This week’s episode, we start off with announcements of the April 12th anti-racist march in Olympia, the April 28th Intl. Police conference in Phoenix, and a thanks from us for the recent awarding of The Final Straw with recognition by Anarchist News of our audio work.
Next, Sean Swain talks about the defendants of the Lucasville Uprising case.
The main segment is a discussion with Sonny, a German anarchist involved in resistance to the operation and spreading of the Lignite Carbon mine and subsequent destruction of the nearby environment by RWE. Sonny talks about the resistance there, the displacement of animals, devastation of the landscape and the eviction of 55,000 people over the years from local villages to expand the mine.
This week’s discussion happened as news came from the Hambacher resistors that the state was in the process of evicting the forest defenders. On 3/29/13 Sonny and I got back together to talk about updates on the situation.
More on the American Water (company) operated by RWE within the U.S., check out the info at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Water_%28company%29