This week’s episode features some announcements of upcoming online and local to North Carolina events in the next week and UTTERLY forgets to mention the (Another) Carrboro Anarchist Bookfaire or ACAB), totally on accident. Check out info on the bookfaire next weekend at http://carrboroanarchistbookfair.wordpress.com/
The playlist is present, and includes new releases from Seeds in Barren Fields, ParusÃa, Bereft and much more!
For the fundraiser to help pay for heating and cooking fuel and warm clothing for the folks in need a Pine Ridge, South Dakota this winter, check out https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=hoffjames25%40yahoo.com&lc=US&item_name=The+American+Indians¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP-DonationsBF%3Abtn_donateCC_LG.gif%3ANonHosted
At Warren Wilson College at 7pm on Monday the 17th at the Canon Lounge, Aragorn! of anarchistnews.org, Little Black Cart and a co-editor/contributor to Black Seed will be talking about that journal and his conceptions of green anarchism.
At 6pm on Tuesday the 18th at Downtown Books & News, Aragorn! will be present to speak on the same fore-mentioned topics.
In Raleigh on 11/19, there’ll be a day of events around the disappearance of the 43 students in Ayotzinapa, Guerrero, Mexico. Starts at 10AM at the Mexican consulate.
On 11/20 at 5pm at the Vance Monument in AVL, there’ll be a demonstration in solidarity with striking people across Mexico around the case of Ayotzinapa.
At 7pm that same day, there’ll be a walk from the Civic Center to Vance in recognition of Trans Day of Remberence when we remember our siblings stolen by this cys-hetero-patriarchal society.