There are two announcements at the start of this episode concerning health developments and request for public action on behalf of longstanding prisoners and former Black Panthers. Following those, we feature new death rock by BÖRN from Iceland (playing at Static Age in AVL on May 9th), doom by Thou and more.
First, Mumia Abu-Jamal is an imprisoned journalist, former Panther and supporter of MOVE members while they faced repression in Philly in the 70’s and early 80’s. He was accused of killing a cop while driving his cab in 1981. He is not getting enough medical treatment for his recently diagnosed diabetes (including a specific diet to help him cope and medication) and related skin disorder. More information and a call to action on his behalf can be found at http://www.freemumia.org
Robert Seth Hayes is a former Panther and BLA member who is accused of killing a cop in NYC in 1973. He suffers from many, worrying and chronic health problems including poorly controlled diabetes and weight loss, much like Mumia. Supporters are requesting that people call in on April 27-28th to a number of officials in NY to get him medical treatment and stop this punishment. There’s also a fax-in day on April 29th and 30th on his behalf. More info at http://powmedicaljustice.com/call-fax-in-for-seth