Leap Encryption Access Project

This week, we’d like to share a conversation had a little bit ago with Kali Kaneko, from LEAP. Leap Encryption Access Project, like pEp featured in our prior Error451 interview, is an open-source project meant to ease… access to encryption (and it’s a project). At a point in the past, LEAP had an interest in shifting paradigm of email but is now focusing mainly on distribution, upkeep, and improvement of it’s VPN service, Bitmask. Bitmask is partnering with Riseup Black and Calyx (and hopefully other trustworthy projects) to expand access to free, psuedonymized web traffic with ease.
Here’re a few links Kali sent my way for sharing and further investigation:
- a recent study about a cryptanalysis of protonmail (technical) https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/1121
- some guy’s ramblings on the ‘whatsapp affair’ I think we mentioned. I quite agree on his take. https://www.evilsocket.net/2017/01/14/Thoughts-on-WhatsApp-E2E-Encryption-AKA-Security-is-real-only-if-it-s-the-default/
- a nice guide by the eff about choosing a vpn https://ssd.eff.org/en/module/choosing-vpn-thats-right-you
- a link to the newest beta of RiseupVPN, the new hot (customized) bitmask stuff https://riseup.net/en/vpn/betatest
a link to the ubuntu store for that https://snapcraft.io/riseup-vpn - I don’t really know if we talked about the generics of e2e crypto or not, but I find this article always comes in handy https://crimethinc.com/2017/03/08/end-to-end-encryption-101-what-does-e2ee-do-and-does-vault-7-mean-its-useless
- a link to my public profile https://github.com/kalikaneko
The song for this episode was “Crashing The System” by ¡Tchkung! from the album Post World Handbook.