Category Archives: Kristian Williams

Resist Everything Except Temptation (Rebroadcast)

Resist Everything Except Temptation (Rebroadcast)

book cover of "Resist Everything Except Temptation" with a cartoon of Oscar Wilde + a text bar on the right "TFSR, Rebroadcast, 02-12-2023"
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We’re re-airing Scott’s 2020 interview with Kristian Williams about his book, Resist Everything Except Temptation: The Anarchist Philosophy of Oscar Wilde.

From the original post:

I found this interview extremely illuminating, perhaps like many other people who might not have strong ties to either academia or popular education models of learning, I had sort of written Oscar Wilde off as this kind of white dead rich guy who carried little to no relevance apart from a model of queerness that we could look back on. This interview very much proved that this isn’t the case, and that he and the circumstances around him very much influence how we as queers and as anarchists can sense historical threads that pull on our lives very tangibly today. Thanks a million to Scott for researching and conducting this interview!

You can learn more about the author, Kristian Williams, who is most known for his book Our Enemies in Blue, which is a critical history of American policing and police, at his website

You can hear our past interviews with Kristian on:

Continue reading Resist Everything Except Temptation (Rebroadcast)

“Between The Bullet and The Lie”: Kristian Williams on George Orwell

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Kristian Williams on George Orwell

This week on The Final Straw, Bursts presents a conversation with Kristian Williams about his recently published book, Between The Lie & The Bullet: Essays on Orwell, published by AK Press. Kristian is maybe best known for authoring Our Enemies in Blue: Police and Power in America.

For the hour we speak about Kristian’s reading of Orwell, the importance of intellectual honesty, weaknesses in modern Anarchist engagements with ideas and facts on the ground and other topics stemming from the book.  A slightly longer version of this conversation will be available in our podcast, which can be downloaded from our website.  More writings & interviews by
Kristian can be found at

Hear Bursts prior interviews with Kristian on the writings & anarchism of Oscar Wilde as well as on Kristian’s book, Our Enemies In Blue.

We’d like to apologize for the strange sound during most of Kristian’s portions.  This’ll be present in upcoming interviews, it’s a technical difficulty that hopefully we’ll have sorted quite soon.  Thanks for bearing with us!

Kristian Williams on Police Abolition (orig. Aug 2011)
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This show originally aired in August of 2011

Today’s show features an interview with the Portland-based author and activist, Kristian Williams. Williams speaks on his first book, Our Enemies in Blue (a history of policing in America), on recent articles about community policing and the counterinsurgency training shared between the U.S. military and domestic law enforcement agencies and the growing movement calling for the abolition of police in the United States, and the Pacific Northwest in particular).

Check out for more information on the interviewee.

Oscar Wilde an Anarchist?: An interview with Kristian Williams

Oscar Wilde
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(This Episode Aired on January 29, 2012)

This week’s show features an interview with Kristian Williams, author of the books, “Our Enemies in Blue,” “American Methods” and numerous articles on policing, torture, anarchism, cartoons and much more. Kristian speaks about his in-progress book on the Anarchism of Oscar Wilde, Wilde’s experiences in prisons and his sexual politics.

Find articles by Williams on this and many other topics at