Category Archives: Labor

Montreal Student Strikes (part 2)

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This week’s show features the second part of my conversation with Maria about anarchist perspectives on the student strikes in Montreal,
Quebec. Maria continues to draw the history of this last year of student strikes that have developed into a nascent social strike and talks about the call to help block the start of the next semester in early August of this year

The second half of this episode features music from and about the struggle of Miners against the bosses and the state and for survival and self-determination. The playlist can be found here.

Call Out to
block the next semester


George Katsiaficas and South Korea’s Peoples Movements in the 20th Century (May 6, 2012)

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This week we’re speaking with Dr. George Katsiaficas, author and contributor to over a dozen books on Peoples Movements and the elucidator of the Eros Effect. For over a decade, Dr. Katsiaficas has been studying the culture and history of South Korea and it’s culture and has just published the first volume of a two part series on People’s uprisings in Asia, entitled “Asia’s Unknown Uprisings: South Korean Social Movements in the 20th Century” from PM Press.

For more of Dr. Katsiaficas’ writing, check out his website at

Continue reading George Katsiaficas and South Korea’s Peoples Movements in the 20th Century (May 6, 2012)

May Day Choir in Asheville: A conversation with Saro and Kila

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This week’s show will be a conversation with Saro Lynch-Tomason and Kila Donovan, members of the Asheville May Day Choir about music, resistance, history and the upcoming May Day celebrations in Asheville. Saro and Kila are also members of the band, Red Wind. The show features in-studio renditions of some beautiful resistance songs that we’ll be hearing this year. The two jamboree shows will be a benefit for Blair Pathways.

Communisation and its Discontents: An interview with Dr. Ben Noys

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This week’s show features a conversation with Dr. Benjamin Noys, editor of a new book entitled “Communisation and its Discontents”. Communisation theory evolved out of post-68 ultra-left communism and today is being explored and promoted by authors and journals like Riff-Raff, Theorie Communiste, End Notes, Sic and Tiqqun. This show is a short introduction to the theories and plays with the problematics of communisation including gender, terminology, identity, and activity.

The text of the book is available online for free at Libcom:

Related projects that may be of interest include:
LibCom’s archive of communisation texts (

Riff-Raff (
Sic (
Tiqqun & Invisible Committee related (

SeaSol: Direct Action against Bosses + Landlords Gets The Goods

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This week’s show is an interview with Lee and Emily, members of the Seattle Solidarity Network.

According to their website (
“Seattle Solidarity (“SeaSol”) is a volunteer network of working people who believe in standing up for our rights. Our goal is to support our fellow workers’ strikes and struggles, build solidarity, and organize to deal with specific job, housing, and other problems caused by the greed of the rich and powerful.
Join us! Let’s fight to win.”

“So You Say You Want To Start A Solidarity Network” article and pamphlets for printing

This show will be archived at through 11/20/2011 and then on, found by searching “The Final Straw”

On the Oakland Commune, with Louise Michel (October 30, 2011)

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This week’s show features an interview with former Asheville resident and current resident of Oakland and an organizer of the Occupy movement there. We talk about the police attack last Tuesday, the differences between the Oakland movement from other Occupy’s and the upcoming call for a General Strike.

I’ll also be talking briefly about the upcoming solidarity march (Wednesday the 2nd) here in Asheville starting at 6pm under the Lexington/I-240 bridge, and the protest this Friday in Raleigh at the Department of Corrections offices.