Mutual Aid in Caguas (PR) + La ZAD Wins?

This week on the Final Straw, we air two interviews. In the first segment, we hear from two organizers with the Centro de Apoyo Mutuo or Mutual Aid Center in Caguas, Puerto Rico. Emilu and Kique talk about Caguas, about the colonial relationship between the U.S. mainland and Puerto Rico, the post-hurricane disaster relief they’ve … Continue reading Mutual Aid in Caguas (PR) + La ZAD Wins?

Remi Fraisse’s murder remembered (November 23, 2014)

This week, The Final Straw features content recorded by comrades in France of some reactions and reminiscences on the moments leading up to the death of Remi Fraisse, a 21 year old French resister who participated in the ZAD du Testet and was killed by a concussion grenade shot by police that exploded at the base of his neck on October the 25th, 2014

Strategies For Ecological Revolution From Below with Peter Gelderloos

This week on The Final Straw, we’re featuring a recent conversation with anarchist author and activist, Peter Gelderloos about his latest book, “The Solutions Are Already Here: Strategies For Ecological Revolution From Below”, published by Pluto Press in 2022.