introduction of the program
news from 98fm (athens)
3:47,5 – 12:24,5
syriza changes Law
attack on the french institute of athens
harm of environment / shipowner and gold mining
law about the gender issue
15 years of prison in cause of self-defence
attack against goethe intitut of athens
several actions of a anarchist group
A-Radio Berlin (berlin, de)
a collage about the Anarchist Days 2017 in Dresden
Radio Fragmata (thessaloniki, greece)
24:17,0 – 31:30,0
3 cases , and the justice system of greece
the case of marios zervas radio kurruf
the case of panagiotis z.
and the case of a 22 year old girl who killed her rapist
105fm * (mytilini/ lesvos island, Aegean Sea, greece)
31:30,5 — 31:30,0
News from Mytilini (lesvos island) and beyond-
Transgender issue
*case of a rapist
The Final Straw (north carolina, usa)
36:36,5 – 48:02,0
*Interview about the case of Herman Bell
(- who is a beloved organizer and family member, a political prisoner clocking 44 years behind bars, and former member of the black panther party. they
spoke to his daughter in law, kihana Ross, about recent developments in
his case.)
bilda kedjor (sweden)
50:12,5 – 53:18,5
news from Sweden about the antifascist mobilisation
against the nazi demo that happened 30.09 in goetheborg
Radio Kurruf * (temuco, chile)
53:24,0 – 58:59,0
current struggle of political Mapuche prisoners in chile
Dissident Island Radio (london, uk)
59:00,0 – 1:08:08,0
update DSEI arms fair week of action.
a portion of a debate on whether the russian revolution should be celerated.
Frequenz-A (hamburg, de)
1:09:07,0 – 1:14:28,0
*update about the repression and solidarity related to the protest against g20 in hamburg
(episode in total 1:14:44)