This is episode number 6 of “B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world”, a news program from the international network of anarchist and antiauthoritarian radios, consisting of short news segments from different parts of the world.
– Infolora, Zurich: the struggle against the expansion of the deportation prison Bässlergut, in Basel
– Radio Fragmata, Athens: the case of 2 Political Prisoners
– 1431 am, Thesalonika: workers issues
– Dissident Island, London: news about arms trade campaigners and the general legal context in the UK
– A-Radio Berlín: comment about Santiago Maldonado, an anarchist murder in Argentina because of the Mapuche struggles
– Radio Kurruf, Chile: news about the trials against the Mapuche struggle
– Radiozones Of Subversive Expressions/98FM, Athens: updates on attacks on politicians in Greece, attacks by racists on refugees, refugee organizing in Lesvos and more
(episode in total 53:48)