Category Archives: Kersplebedeb

“From Hash Rebels to Urban Guerrillas” with Gabriel Kuhn

book cover of "From Hash Rebels to Urban Guerrillas" with the words "TFSR 2-2-25 | The 2nd of June Movement (with Gabriel Kuhn)"
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Today we’re sharing an interview recorded this week with Gabriel Kuhn speaking about the West German urban guerrilla group the 2nd of June Movement, the book he co-edited on this subject entitled From Hash Rebels to Urban Guerrillas: A Documentary History of the 2nd of June Movement (from PM Press and Kersplebedb), the milieu from which it arose, how it compared to other groups at the time like the Red Army Faction, and some of the legacy of their critiques and interventions on radical politics in the autonomen movement and beyond.

For the hour we speak about the context from which the 2nd of June Movement grew (alongside the Red Army Faction, Revolutionary Cells and others) in the 1970’s, their goals and actions, the timing of the book and the legacy that these groups left to German society and the autonomous movements that continued.

• Our prior interview with Gabriel on Liberating Sapmi
• Gabriel’s blog:
• A blog collecting documents of this period:

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Three Way Fight: Revolutionary Politics and Antifascism (with Xtn Alexander and Matthew Lyons)

Three Way Fight: Revolutionary Politics and Antifascism

"Three Way Fight" book cover featuring three white arrows heading down and to the left
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This week, we’re sharing a conversation I had with Matthew Lyons and Xtn Alexander, editors and contributors to the book Three Way Fight: Revolutionary Politics and Antifascism, out this year from Kersplebedeb Books and PM Press. We talked about the development of the political tendency which troubles the read of both liberal capitalism and the autonomous far right from a revolutionary left libertarian perspective, some of it’s progenitors and a bit about the state of the far right today.

Continue reading Three Way Fight: Revolutionary Politics and Antifascism (with Xtn Alexander and Matthew Lyons)