Heather Doyle of S.E.E.D.

This week, William interviewed Heather Doyle, an activist involved with S.E.E.D. coalition, a mid-Atlantic-bsed activist grouping whose name stands for Stopping Extraction & Export Destruction. Heather talks about her recent harassment and assault at the hands of the Culver County Sheriff’s dept, that dept’s collusion and payoff by the Dominion corporation and more. Dominion is behind the liquified natural gas containment storage & export facility being protested by S.E.E.D. activists, which they claim endangers all of the surrounding, rural residents in case of emergency. The protests have also focussed on the role of Culver County’s facility and Dominion in the extraction from Marcellus shale gas and other nasty petroleum extraction projects and the dangers of it’s shipping via pipelines and trains across Turtle Island. More on S.E.E.D. can be found at https://seedcoalition.wordpress.com/
Heather should have the beginning of her jury trial on May 3rd & 4th in the Culver County circuit court in Maryland and is looking for court support.