Category Archives: war

Military Decruitment, Trump 2.0 and Resisting New Empire (with Fig of About Face)

About Face: Veterans Against The War logo featuring an M16, muzzle to the ground, with a helmet seated on the butt inside a circle
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This week, we’re featuring an interview with Fig, an anarchist and member of the anti-Imperialist US veterans organization About Face to talk about decruitment, the work of About Face and an assessment of shifts in military priority under the lead of Hegseth towards the southern US border and the Trump administration 2.0’s multi-polar spin. There’s a lot here and we’ll have a transcript in the near future.

  • Transcript
  • PDF (Unimposed) – pending
  • Zine (Imposed PDF) – pending

Past veteran interviews on TFSR:

Continue reading Military Decruitment, Trump 2.0 and Resisting New Empire (with Fig of About Face)

We Will Need Time: Two Libertarian Communist Perspectives on Events and Possibility in Syria

"TFSR 12-29-24 | We Will Need Time: Two Libertarian Communist perspectives on events and possibility in Syria"<br /> featuring a photo of two people (one with a rifle slung over their shoulder) hugging and facing away from the camera and towards a bombed-out building with graffiti reading "We Will Return" in Arabic
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In this episode, you’ll hear Cedric and Khuzama, two libertarian communists with connections to Syria and editor contributors to the blog , speaking about their observations of what’s been going on leading up to and through the ouster of Bashar Al-Assad, as well as complications among various factions on the ground and the view from the Syrian diaspora. The situation on the ground is changing fast.

And if you care to hear a perspective from an anarchist combatant affiliated with Tekosina Anarsist, which works with the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria affiliated with the SDF and Rojava Revolution, you can find our episode from December 22nd and the transcribed zine already online at our website.

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ISM in the West Bank and the Assassination of Ayşenur Eygi

ISM in the West Bank and the Assassination of Ayşenur Eygi

photo of destroyed West Bank street with a blurry, foregrounded figure holding a Palestinian flag and obscuring their face with a keffiyeh
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This week on the final straw we’re featuring a conversation with Tom and Miriam of the International Solidarity Movement, a Palestinian-led network of activists standing in solidarity with Palestinians on the ground in the occupied territories. For the hour we talk about the organization, its history, what got these folks involved, the recent and tragic murder of Ayşenur Eygi in Beita in the West Bank which Miriam witnessed, and how conditions have changed as the war by the Israeli settler state has expanded.

To hear our prior conversation with Tom about the uprising in Bristol, check out this interview.

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Featured Track:

  • Long Live Palestine pt1 by Lowekey from Long Live Palestine Parts 1 & 2 (single)

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Reflections on Medical Conditions in Gaza by a Recently Returned Nurse

Reflections on Medical Conditions in Gaza by a Recently Returned Nurse

Photo of a bombed hospital in Gaza with rescue workers approaching from the street
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Our chat with Louis, an anarchist emergency room nurse who has just returned from a second tour doing healthcare work in Gaza and is about to leave again. During this difficult conversation, we talk about medical conditions that he encountered in Gaza, what aid is getting in and how it’s being distributed, health infrastructure and how this relates to his prior mutual aid and anti-border work in the so-called USA. You can find a prior interview with Louis from Living and Fighting blog.

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Addameer on Palestinian Prisoners + new TTRPG “Oceania 2084”

This week, we’re sharing two segments.

Addameer on Palestinian Prisoners

Montage of the log of Addameer featuring a dove flying up from barbed wire and "Addameer" in Arabic, as well as part of the book cover of "Oceania 2084" featuring an eye peering down
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First up, we spoke with Tala Nasser of the Palestinian prisoner human rights group, Al-Addameer which has offices in Jerusalem or Al-Quds, as well as in Ramallah. We speak about the report they released on Palestinian Prisoners day, April 17th, on the conditions of Palestinian prisoners, particularly since October 7th, 2023 including in Gaza since the invasion. More info on the group and their findings can be found at

A-Radio Berlin on new TTRPG “Oceania 2084”

Then, we’ll hear a segment by our comrades at A-Radio Berlin speaking with Johan Eriksson, an anarchist game designer has recently published such an RPG called “Oceania 2084“, based on George Orwell’s novel “1984”. You can find more of about the game including a free austere pdf of the gameplay at , and you can hear more audios from A-Radio Berlin at .

Sean Swain’s 2024 Presidential Run

For the sake of anyone in the office of Attorney General of Ohio if they’re listening: this segment is political satire. We feel it’s necessary to make this disclaimer as they referenced a spoof press conference for Sean as governor in exile of Ohio on the January 18th, 2015 radio segment in court filings to prove how dangerous Sean is, while actually just showing how stupid hierarchs are.

Midweek Release: Yaffa As

In case you missed mid-week release of our interview with Yaffa As, a queer and trans Palestinian poet, author, publisher and activist living in the diaspora about two recent collections they published as well as mutual aid and fundraising to get queer Palestinians out of range of Israeli genocide.

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Featured Track:

Continue reading Addameer on Palestinian Prisoners + new TTRPG “Oceania 2084”

Crime, Corruption, and Community Based Liberation in the U.S./Mexico Neoliberal Military Political Economy

Crime, Corruption, and Community Based Liberation in the U.S./Mexico Neoliberal Military Political Economy

Book cover of the "Weapons, Drugs and Money" featuring a snake eating it's own tail, ringed by bullets encircling a US flag made of lines of cocaine and razors with a dead eagle clutching an assault rifle
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This week, you’ll hear our chat with Simón Sedillo, author of Weapons, Drugs & Money: Crime, Corruption, and Community Based Liberation in the U.S./Mexico Neoliberal Military Political Economy. Simón talks a little about his early days in media near the start of the Indymedia world, his documentary that became the news website El Enemigo Común (which translates to “the common enemy”) which covered grassroots, indigenous led movements in southern so-called Mexico, and about his book with a focus on intervention and integration from capitalist and military powers in the US, multinational banking and big pharma and the violence against and resilience of indigenous communities under that nation-state.

Check out the website for more info on how to order a copy, and the chapters are being posted and translated into castellano at , where you can find two decades + of really interesting content. Simón suggests people follow Avispa Mídia as a project following in the legacy of El Enemigo Común.

A big thanks to Mitchell Verter for the suggestion.

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Featured Track:

  • Get It Together (Buck Wild Instrumental) by Beastie Boys from Get It Together

Continue reading Crime, Corruption, and Community Based Liberation in the U.S./Mexico Neoliberal Military Political Economy

A conversation with Hani Almadhoun

A conversation with Hani Almadhoun

A photo of Hani Almadhoun
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As a mid-week special, we’re releasing a conversation we had last weekend with Hani Almadhoun, a Palestinian-American journalist from Gaza and living in Virginia. Mr Almadhoun is also Director of Philanthropy at UNRWA USA, an independent charity to support the UN organization by the same name. In the chat, he speaks about conditions generally and for his family specifically in Gaza as well as the soup kitchen that his brother founded in north Gaza ( , on Instagram at @GazaSoupKitchen ).

Hani Almadoun on:

Continue reading A conversation with Hani Almadhoun

Elia J. Ayoub on the War in Palestine

Elia J. Ayoub on the War in Palestine

We’re joined again by podcaster, writer and activist Elia J. Ayoub, who is a Lebanese Palestinian living in Europe, co-hosts a podcast called The Fire These Times which is soon to be a part of the From The Periphery podcast network. For the hour we speak about the Israeli war on Palestinians, US policies in the SWANA region and the possibilities of war expanding to neighboring states, conspiracy thinking in the early days of these massacres, European state approaches to massacres in the Occupied Territories and other subjects.


Fundraiser for Daryle Lamont Jenkins

Supporters of antifascist and anarchist activist Daryle Lamont Jenkins are raising funds for DLJ after a recent visit to the hospital. You can learn more and kick in some funds at GoFund.Me/e40da8b8 or check the link in our show notes.

New Episode of B(A)D News

The latest episode of the monthly podcast from the A-Radio Network is available, featuring stories from:

  • Kilavo Seme about Quilombos and struggles in Brazil;
  • A-Radio Berlin on the trials concerning the 2017 G20 protests in Hamburg
  • Flora Radio in so-called Valparaiso, Chile, on recent repression against Mapuche people claiming their lands

Hunger Strike At Red Onion Expands

The hunger strike that began on December 26th at the infamous Red Onion State Prison in Virginia has doubled in size as of a few days ago with participation of 7 more imprisoned resisters protesting abuse by isolation despite Virginia policy and international human rights law. There is a rundown of the hunger strike and conditions at Red Onion available at RashidMod.Com and supporters are requesting that people call or email VDOC officials to end this cruel and unlawful use of segregation.

Newly joined the strike:

  • Nguyen Tuan – #1098070
  • Demetrius Walllace – #1705834
  • Gregory Binns – #1157265
  • P. Williams – #2103207
  • DeQuan Saunders – #1458253
  • J. Hilliard – #1988319
  • Ray Galloway – #1407902
  • Gregory Azeez – #1421616

Who To Contact:

VADOC~ Central Administration; USPS—
P.O. Box 26963
Richmond, VA 23261

Virginia DOC ~ Director, Chadwick S Dotson,

VADOC ~Central Administration

Rose L. Durbin, Phone~804-887-7921

Beth Cabell, Division of Institutions

Gov. Glenn Youngkin

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Featured Track:

  • Splash Waterfalls (remix) (instrumental) by Ludacris feat. Raphael Saadiq

Continue reading Elia J. Ayoub on the War in Palestine

Anti-Militarist and Feminist Resistance in Azerbaijan

Anti-Militarist and Feminist Resistance in Azerbaijan

"TFSR 12-10-23 | Anti-Militarist & Feminist Resistance in Azerbaijan" featuring a watercolor of a graveyard with barbed wire running between the headstones and a purple figure in the center in a purple outfit with a raised hand and a purple cloud emanating as though holding a smoke bomb or flare
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This week on the show, you’ll hear an interview with Lala an anarchafeminist in the Azerbaijani group Feminist Peace Collective about the recent war against and expulsion of ethnic Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh, about the Aliyev regime and patriotic elements in Azerbaijan’s reaction against anti-militarist voices, conspiracy theories and real critiques of non-profit NGO’s versus grassroots lgbtq+ and feminist organizing, and other topics. You can learn more about Lala’s group at FeministPeaceCollective.Com.

On December 19th at 8pm Caucasus time / UTC+4 (or 11am Eastern Standard or 8am Pacific Standard time) Feminist Peace Collective is hosting an online discussion with Dr. Chiara Bottici via zoom called “Anarchafeminism in troubled times” and with a focus on antifeminist and anti-queer backlash and war in the South Caucasus, central Asia, Turkey and Russia. There’s a registration link here.

Links from Lala

  • Antidoqma, posts in English, Russian and Azerbaijani
  • FemUtopia (facebook), posts in Azerbaijani
  • Transvisionary (Instagram), also posts in Azerbaijani
  • Nafas LGBT (Telegram) , in Azerbaijani
  • Queer Radar, in Azerbaijani
  • Başla, radical publishing (translates literature in azerbaijani on facebook)
  • Egalite, radical publishing (facebook)

Sean Swain

Sean’s segment starts at [ 01:06:24 ]


Fundraiser for Emergency Committee for Rojava

There’s a GoFundMe fundraiser for the guests of our October 15th interview, the Emergency Committee for Rojava including some thank-you gifts. More details at

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Featured Track:

  • Down 4 Life (instrumental) by DJ Muggs

Continue reading Anti-Militarist and Feminist Resistance in Azerbaijan

Reflections of a Jewish Anti-Zionist in Palestine + Antifascists Repressed in Budapest

Jewish Anti-Zionist in Palestine + Antifascists Repressed in Budapest

"TFSR 11-19-23 | Jewish Anti-Zionist in Palestine + Antifascists Repressed in Budapest" under the photo
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This week’s show features four segments: an announcement from IGD Podcast; an anti-Zionist Jewish voice from Palestine; an interview of two anti-repression activists on the harassment of two antifascist activists in Budapest, Hungary; Sean Swain’s segment.

Reflections of a Jewish Anti-Zionist from Palestine

First up, we’re featuring the voice of a Jewish anti-Zionist anarchist living in lands occupied by the Israeli state. We speak about some of his experiences of trying to resist the ongoing war against Palestinians, collaboration with Palestinian comrades against the occupation, the silencing of dissent during the escalation by the Israeli state and other topics. [ 00:07:28 – 00:50:13 ]

For a very thoughtful series of podcasts about the situation in Palestine, check out the two recent episodes of the Its Going Down podcast (1st and 2nd).

Link Suggestions:

Antifascists Repressed in Budapest

Following this, you’ll hear a segment by A-Radio Berlin (a co-member of the Channel Zero Network as well as the A-Radio Network with The Final Straw) about repression of antifascists recently under the far right Hungarian administration of Victor Orban. This also appeared in the November 2023 episode of Bad News, the monthly English-language podcast of the A-Radio Network. [ 00:52:10 – 01:05:53 ]

Further links

Sean Swain

Sean Swain’s segment this week airs at [ 01:05:57 ]

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Featured Tracks:

  • We Roll (Instrumental) by Pete Rock from We Roll
  • Until Palestine Is Free by Angelic Upstarts from Bullingdon Bastards

Continue reading Reflections of a Jewish Anti-Zionist in Palestine + Antifascists Repressed in Budapest