COVID-19 and the Prison System: 5 Voices from the Front Lines of Resistance

Today we have a show about COVID-19, specifically how the pandemic is being handled in prisons and detention. This show includes a lot of voices, and we structured it that way in order to both include as many perspectives as we could and also to take some of the expectation that interviewees speak to us for an extended period; everyone who is working on this is very busy and we wanted to respect that.
In this show you’ll hear from:
– Rebekah Entralgo who works with the non profit Freedom for Immigrants,
– Finn, a healthcare worker and member of Mutual Aid Disaster Relief (MADR) working in an outbreak epicenter here in North Carolina,
– Elijah Prioleau who is incarcerated at Waupun Correctional in Wisconsin, where there is a COVID-19 outbreak and they are currently on lockdown,
– and JM and Nikkita of (among other groups) COVID-19 Mutual Aid in Seattle, which is at the outbreak epicenter in the Pacific Northwest.
Because I couldn’t include everything that each person said in full, and frankly that was the hardest part about editing, I’m making a page on our collection at which will include each interview in full. Just give me until tomorrow to get that up, cause my eyes are starting to cross from all the radio related screen time!
Many thanks go out to everyone who was interviewed, and a special thanks to Ben Turk and the folks at Forum for Understanding Prisons who passed along his phone call with Elijah. More about them, their updates, and lists of demands can be seen at
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To write to Elijah at Waupun Correctional, address letters to:
Leon Elijah Prioleau 420053
Waupun Correctional Institution
PO Box 531
Waupun, WI 53963-0351
To get plugged into mutual aid efforts in Asheville, you can follow the Asheville Survival Project on Facebook, and if you are interested in donating to these efforts in our town the venmo is @AVLsurvival.
List of people and projects that I’m aware of who are boosting prisoner’s voices right now:
Kite Line Radio, which has a Coronavirus call in line for people who are both impacted by incarceration and by Coronavirus, that is 765-343-6236
Rustbelt Abolition Radio, which is amplifying the voices of incarcerated people always.
Forum for Understanding Prisons where you can go to for up to date information and their list of demands.
Fight Toxic Prisons (FTP)
IWOC (Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee), literally all chapters
FTP and IWOC are making a Prison Support Hotline for COVID-19, to donate go here!!
List of people and projects that I’m aware of calling for immediate end to ICE detention:
Plus many others!
Links from our guests:
Freedom For Immigrants:
For accurate health related news:
Center for Disease Control and Prevention
To support Elijah in Waupum Correctional:
look for updates on
@covid19mutualaid ON INSTAGRAM
COVID-19 Mutual Aid on Facebook
Fundraiser for people who cannot access state resources in Seattle
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Music for this episode in order of appearance:
Y’all Ain’t Ready – J Dilla – 2005 Welcome 2 Detroit Instrumental
Lataa – Kid Jha – Kalevala
Welcome 2 Detroit – J Dilla – 2005 Welcome 2 Detroit Instrumental