Tag Archives: history

“From Hash Rebels to Urban Guerrillas” with Gabriel Kuhn

book cover of "From Hash Rebels to Urban Guerrillas" with the words "TFSR 2-2-25 | The 2nd of June Movement (with Gabriel Kuhn)"
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Today we’re sharing an interview recorded this week with Gabriel Kuhn speaking about the West German urban guerrilla group the 2nd of June Movement, the book he co-edited on this subject entitled From Hash Rebels to Urban Guerrillas: A Documentary History of the 2nd of June Movement (from PM Press and Kersplebedb), the milieu from which it arose, how it compared to other groups at the time like the Red Army Faction, and some of the legacy of their critiques and interventions on radical politics in the autonomen movement and beyond.

For the hour we speak about the context from which the 2nd of June Movement grew (alongside the Red Army Faction, Revolutionary Cells and others) in the 1970’s, their goals and actions, the timing of the book and the legacy that these groups left to German society and the autonomous movements that continued.

• Our prior interview with Gabriel on Liberating Sapmi
• Gabriel’s blog: https://lefttwothree.org/
• A blog collecting documents of this period: http://germanguerilla.com/

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All Will Be Equalized with Andrew Zonneveld and Modibo Kadalie (ACAB 2024)

book cover of "All Will Be Equalized"
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This week, we’re sharing a recording of Andrew Zonneveld from the 2024 Another Carolina Anarchist Bookfair talking about his book All Will Be Equalized!: Georgia’s Freedom Seekers of the Swamps, Backwoods, and Sea Islands 1526-1890 alongside his friend Modibo Kadalie. To see a video with the slides from the presentation, check out our youtube page.

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Art As A Vehicle For Anarchist Ideas (ACAB 2024)

photo with a line of riot cops covered in various colors of paint
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This week, we’re sharing another presentation from the 2024 ACABookfair in so-called Asheville. On youtube you’ll find the audio sync’d up with the slideshow presentation from the bookfair by visiting youtube.com/@thefinalstrawradio.

The following is a recording from the 2024 Another Carolina Anarchist Bookfair in so-called Asheville, NC. You can find more info and recordings from this and other years at ACABookfair.NoBlogs.Org. This is a presentation entitled Art as a Vehicle for Anarchist Ideas with N.O. Bonzo, Des Revol, and Sugarbombing World. From the description:

“Three longtime anarchist artists—N.O. Bonzo, Des Revol, and Sugarbombing World—will explore the role that art plays in resistance and movements, along with remembrance of the past and visions of the future. They’ll look at ways that art brings people together, and can serve as a great tool, whether in organizing and agitating, and/or inviting people into anarchism.”

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Peter Gelderloos on Memory, Community, Organization and Struggle

book covers of "They Will Beat the Memory Out of Us: Forcing Nonviolence on Forgetful Movements" and "Organization, Community, Continuity"
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This week, we’re airing an interview with anarchist author, Peter Gelderloos about two of his recent books They Will Beat the Memory Out of Us: Forcing Nonviolence on Forgetful Movements (Pluto Books, 2024) as well as Organization, Community, Continuity (Detritus, 2024). For this episode, we speak on movement memory, community, care work, organization and struggle.

Past interviews with Peter can be found here and his collaboration with Sub.Media is here.

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“Revolution in 35MM” with Samm Deighan

Revolution in 35MM with Samm Deighan

Cover of the book "Revolution in 35MM" appearing as a film from the 1970s and featuring stills of people with guns or making faces of exertion
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This week, we’re sharing Ian’s talk with Samm Deighan, co-editor of Revolution in 35 MM: Political Violence and Resistance in Cinema from the Arthouse to Grindhouse, 1960-1990, out 9/24/24 from PM Press. Among other things, they discuss the origins of the book, the benefits and limitations of genre storytelling, the forces that shape movie funding, and where to watch some of the films discussed. You can check out Twitch of the Dead Nerve podcast here.

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Featured Tracks:

  • Guns of Navaronne by The Skatalites from Studio One Story
  • 5-45 by Gang of Four from Entertainment!

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Memory, Movement and June 11th 2024

Memory, Movement and June 11th 2024

June 11th 2024 poster in black & white featuring mirrored images of a plant and the words "An International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason and Long-term Anarchist Prisoners" "There are no separate worlds" "June11.org" and "TFSR 6-2-24 | Memory Movement & June 11th 2024"
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This week on The Final Straw, we’re sharing an interview we conducted in recognition of the upcoming celebration of June 11th International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason and other long term anarchist prisoners. This week you’ll hear Julie Herrada, a long time anarchist activist, comrade of Marius Mason and worker at the Labadie Collection at the University of Michigan. Julie is joined by Matthew Hart, another longtime anarchist involved in labor organizing, historical research with the Dockstadter Mutual Aid Society and the Los Angeles Anarchist Black Cross chapter of the Federation. We speak about history, memory, prisoner support and continuing the struggle.

If you’d like to hear more about the history of June 11th and voices of anarchist prisoners and those who support them outside, we’ve taken the opportunity each year to have at least one show focusing on specific cases or concepts related to ongoing struggle and anti-repression work.

But first up, you’ll hear a comrade reading the 2024 call entitled No Separate Worlds and you’re hearing a conversation between anarchist historians and prisoner supporters about memory and the upcoming June 11th international day of soldiairty with marius mason and longterm anarchist prisoners. More info at June11.noblogs.org


Fundraiser for Oso Blanco’s Family

There’s a fundraiser for the family of Cherokee anarchist prisoner, Oso Blanco, as they recently suffered a housefire that destroyed their home. You can learn more and find where to donate at https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-political-prisoners-family-cherokee-rebuild-after-fire

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The Political Legacy of Lyndon LaRouche (w/ Matthew N Lyons)

The Political Legacy of Lyndon LaRouche (w/ Matthew N Lyons)

"TFSR: The Political Legacy of Lyndon LaRouche (8/13/23)" alongside a picture of a poster of a nuclear bomb with Jimmy Carter's face and the suggesting that a vote for Carter is a vote for nuclear war and "Lyndon LaRouche for President" from 1979
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This week, we’re sharing an interview with Matthew N Lyons of Three Way Fight blog about the political legacy of Lyndon LaRouche, cultic leftist turned fascist US political figure from the 1970’s through his death in 2019. For the hour, Matthew and I talk about the network of organizations and publications of the LaRouche movement, some of their approaches toward peeling adherents from the left, antisemitic conspiracy theories he innovated, methods his movement used to control followers and some of the ripples of LaRouche you can find today. We also speak briefly about the Three Way Fight book due out in the spring via Kersplebedeb and PM Press.

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