Orie Lumumba on MOVE & Herman Bell

This week’s show features a conversation with Orie Lumumba. Orie is involved in the Move organization and the International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal. We speak about the upcoming push to parole Debbie Sims Africa, Janet Halloway Africa and Janine Phillips Africa, the three remaining women of the Move 9. The Move 9 were 9 members of the Move organization whose house was raided in Philadelphia in 1978 after escalating conflicts with the Philadelphia police department and then-Mayor Frank Rizzo. The 9 were convicted of the death of Officer James Ramp during the raid, which the supporters and members of the Move 9 argue the 9 had no part in, that the shot was actually fired by the police department mistakenly. This was one of the many instances that the Move organization was repressed in Philadelphia during the 1970’s and 1980’s. The Move organization is a religious, vegan Black Liberation organization focused around social justice issues and bases it’s philosophy on the teachings of John Africa.
In February at the Malcolm X & Bettie Shabazz Educational Center there will be a rally around this parole push in New York City. There is also an online petition to push for the parole of these 3 members of the Move 9. More info on the struggle can be found at http://onamove.org and more on the parole push can be found at http://move9parole.blogspot.com
The second half of the conversation concerns the upcoming parole push for Herman Bell. Herman Bell was a member of the Black Panther Party and later a soldier in the Black Liberation Army who, with Albert Nuh Washington and Jalil Muntaqim, was convicted of the death of two New York police officers, Waverly Jones and Joseph A. Piagentini, in 1971. More on support for Herman Bell can be found at http://freehermanbell.org/
We talk briefly about police violence against Black people in the U.S., in the 1960’s and 70’s and again today in relation to development of Black Liberation struggles and the current Black Lives Matter movements. The petition ot push for Herman Bell’s parole can be found at http://www.thepetitionsite.com/677/086/596/in-support-of-parole-for-herman-bell-79c0262/
The podcast version of this episode, to be aired at the beginning of next week’s radio episode, will include a segment where Orie speaks about medical issues faced by Mumia Abu-Jamal in the state of Pennsylvania. Mumia Abu-Jamal is a former Black Panther and is a journalist who was given a death sentence for the shooting death of Philly PD officer David Faulkner in 1981 during a traffic stop. Mumia and his supporters have always held to his innocence in the death of the officer. Mumia’s now involved in a lawsuit (Abu-Jamal v. Kerestes) to address the lack of treatment by the state’s Department of Corrections of Mumia alongside the roughtly 10,000 prisoners in the PA prison system are suffering from Hepatitis C when an effective treatment is available. More on Mumia, his case and his health can be found at http://freemumia.com