Uncovering Spy Cops in the UK

This week, I spoke with Dónal O’Driscoll, an animal rights activist and anarchist from the UK talking about the work of the Undercover Research Group to investigate possible SpyCops in the UK, share resources by those harmed by the lies of long term undercovers in activist communities and the current Inquiry that activists are using to unearth the legacy of police infiltration since the 1960’s.
Helpful sites:
- http://undercoverresearch.net/
- “Was My Friend A SpyCop?” guide to engaging investigation published by and free from the Undercover Research Group: http://undercoverresearch.net/2017/07/06/friend-spycop-publication-now/
- The wiki URG has been compiliing with data about known undercovers and infiltrations: https://powerbase.info/index.php/UndercoverResearch_Portal
- A project digesting the SpyCops scandals: https://www.spycops.info/
- A site related to the campaign for justice by activist women with whom undercovers had relationships under false pretenses: https://policespiesoutoflives.org.uk/
- An alliance of people spied on by Britain’s political secret police: http://campaignopposingpolicesurveillance.com/
- A support group for those blacklisted in the UK construction industries from info provided by secret political police: https://www.facebook.com/groups/blacklistSG/
- The Monitoring Group has been working for nearly 3 decades in Southall in West London to challenge racism through family led empowerment and justice campaigns: http://www.tmg-uk.org/
- A support group for individuals targetted by political police spies in the UK: https://www.facebook.com/groups/spycops/
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Track Heard In This Episode:
SpyCops by Armoured Flu Unit from Crusading Nations