Category Archives: Colonialism

All Will Be Equalized with Andrew Zonneveld and Modibo Kadalie (ACAB 2024)

book cover of "All Will Be Equalized"
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This week, we’re sharing a recording of Andrew Zonneveld from the 2024 Another Carolina Anarchist Bookfair talking about his book All Will Be Equalized!: Georgia’s Freedom Seekers of the Swamps, Backwoods, and Sea Islands 1526-1890 alongside his friend Modibo Kadalie. To see a video with the slides from the presentation, check out our youtube page.

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The No-State Solution (with Mohammed Bamyeh, ACAB2024)

The No-State Solution (with Mohammed Bamyeh, ACAB2024)

"TFSR 8-4-24 | The No-State Solution (with Mohammed Bamyeh, ACAB2024)" alongside a shirt looking like a college sports log reading "The No-State Solution" and details about the presentation
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This week we’re sharing audio from Dr. Mohammed Bamyeh’s presentation entitled “The No-State Solution” as recorded at the 2024 Another Carolina Anarchist Bookfair in so-called Asheville, NC. Dr. Bamyeh is a Palestinian sociologist and professor at Pitt and the author of multiple books. There is a youtube video of this chat available on the Firestorm Books channel.  Shuli Branson’s current podcast is The Breakup Theory and she also authored a zine by the same title as this presentation.

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A prior presentation of this title appeared at The Victoria Anarchist Bookfair, a discussion between Dr. Bamyeh and Dr. Uri Gordon. You can find a video or a zine of the dialogue.


SCI Fayette hunger strike

According to incarcerated activists in SCI-Fayette in Luzerne Township, Pennsylvania, there are plans to initiate a peaceful hunger strike starting with breakfast on August 5th, 2024, to protest lack of out-of-cell time, locked down for laundry, commissary and evening recreation time during which they can contact family and friends. More on the details in our show notes to support their hunger strike demands.

The brothers at SCI-FAYETTE are planning a peaceful resistance 2 strike all the meals beginning the morning of 8/5/2024 because administration is continuing 2 limit our time out of the cell on the unit, as if we’re in a pandemic. This is the only facility n PADOC that are doing pandemic procedures. Continues to take from us. Creating problems & hostile environment. The men are tired of being locked down for commissary, laundry & now they’re restricting are evening recreation. For most inmates that’s the only time we can contact are family & friends. We want full day room recreation (no cohorts) on every housing unit 7:45-10-30am, 1:15-3:35pm & 5:00pm-8:30pm & more seats on the housing unit 2 accommodate the seating arrangements. We need their help on the outside to call #724-364-2200 & speak up 4 us.

Administration likes to keep matters like this in-house & hope we don’t have any outside support.

Please support us?

To hear about more ongoing and recent prisoner struggles and anti-repression news, check out the monthly column on entitled In Contempt.

Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners

August 23-30th is the Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners. To learn who is being supported, find propaganda and art and how to send your own updates, visit the website

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Featured Track:

  • Viva Tirado (part 1) by El Chicano from Viva Tirado

Continue reading The No-State Solution (with Mohammed Bamyeh, ACAB2024)

Addameer on Palestinian Prisoners + new TTRPG “Oceania 2084”

This week, we’re sharing two segments.

Addameer on Palestinian Prisoners

Montage of the log of Addameer featuring a dove flying up from barbed wire and "Addameer" in Arabic, as well as part of the book cover of "Oceania 2084" featuring an eye peering down
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First up, we spoke with Tala Nasser of the Palestinian prisoner human rights group, Al-Addameer which has offices in Jerusalem or Al-Quds, as well as in Ramallah. We speak about the report they released on Palestinian Prisoners day, April 17th, on the conditions of Palestinian prisoners, particularly since October 7th, 2023 including in Gaza since the invasion. More info on the group and their findings can be found at

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A-Radio Berlin on new TTRPG “Oceania 2084”

Then, we’ll hear a segment by our comrades at A-Radio Berlin speaking with Johan Eriksson, an anarchist game designer has recently published such an RPG called “Oceania 2084“, based on George Orwell’s novel “1984”. You can find more of about the game including a free austere pdf of the gameplay at , and you can hear more audios from A-Radio Berlin at .

Sean Swain’s 2024 Presidential Run

For the sake of anyone in the office of Attorney General of Ohio if they’re listening: this segment is political satire. We feel it’s necessary to make this disclaimer as they referenced a spoof press conference for Sean as governor in exile of Ohio on the January 18th, 2015 radio segment in court filings to prove how dangerous Sean is, while actually just showing how stupid hierarchs are.

Midweek Release: Yaffa As

In case you missed mid-week release of our interview with Yaffa As, a queer and trans Palestinian poet, author, publisher and activist living in the diaspora about two recent collections they published as well as mutual aid and fundraising to get queer Palestinians out of range of Israeli genocide.

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Featured Track:

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Crime, Corruption, and Community Based Liberation in the U.S./Mexico Neoliberal Military Political Economy

Crime, Corruption, and Community Based Liberation in the U.S./Mexico Neoliberal Military Political Economy

Book cover of the "Weapons, Drugs and Money" featuring a snake eating it's own tail, ringed by bullets encircling a US flag made of lines of cocaine and razors with a dead eagle clutching an assault rifle
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This week, you’ll hear our chat with Simón Sedillo, author of Weapons, Drugs & Money: Crime, Corruption, and Community Based Liberation in the U.S./Mexico Neoliberal Military Political Economy. Simón talks a little about his early days in media near the start of the Indymedia world, his documentary that became the news website El Enemigo Común (which translates to “the common enemy”) which covered grassroots, indigenous led movements in southern so-called Mexico, and about his book with a focus on intervention and integration from capitalist and military powers in the US, multinational banking and big pharma and the violence against and resilience of indigenous communities under that nation-state.

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Check out the website for more info on how to order a copy, and the chapters are being posted and translated into castellano at , where you can find two decades + of really interesting content. Simón suggests people follow Avispa Mídia as a project following in the legacy of El Enemigo Común.

A big thanks to Mitchell Verter for the suggestion.

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Featured Track:

  • Get It Together (Buck Wild Instrumental) by Beastie Boys from Get It Together

Continue reading Crime, Corruption, and Community Based Liberation in the U.S./Mexico Neoliberal Military Political Economy

Mohammad Hureini of Youth of Sumud

Mohammad Hureini of Youth of Sumud

A black and white photo of Mohammad Hureini in a jacket with a Nehru collar in an olive orchard plus the words "TFSR 1-28-24 | Mohammad Hureini of Youth of Sumud"
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This week, we’re featuring a conversation with Mohammad Hureini (twitter / instagram), a young activist from Masafer Yatta, an area in the hills south of Hebron in the occupied West Bank in Palestine. Mohammad is a member of a non-violent group called Youth of Sumud that struggles to hold on to the sites and lives of Palestinian villages despite displacement by the Israeli military occupation as well as the illegal zionist settlements (like the neighboring Havat Ma’on) and their routine violence and impunity. For the hour, Mohammad speaks about the work of Youth of Sumud, their recent report co-published with The Good Shepherd on increased settler violence entitled Indigenous Erasure: How the zionist movement is using state sanctioned violence to eliminate the Palestinian communities of the West Bank, the South African genocide case against Israel in the International Court of Justice and other topics.

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Organizations Mohammad names doing on the ground support:

Recent interviews about the conflict in Palestine


B(A)D News #75 is out!

Check out the January 2024 episode featuring updates on support for antifascists facing charges in Budapest from February 11, 2023; reflections from an Autonomist on the ’80s-’90s journal “Radikal”; a portion of our interview with Israeli refuser Yuval Dag; and an interview from Solidarity Zones on the case of accused Russian war sabateur, Ruslan Siddiqui

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Featured Track:

  • Building Steam with a Grain of Salt by DJ Shadow from Entroducing….

Continue reading Mohammad Hureini of Youth of Sumud

Hunger Strike at Red Onion + Military Refuser in Israel

Hunger Strike at Red Onion + Military Refuser in Israel

This week on the show, we’re featuring three segments.

Image of Yuval Dag holding a poster, prisoner holding a license plate reading "Red Onion Prison Hunger Strike" with the text "TFSR 1-21-24 | Hunger Strike at Red Onion Prison + Yuval Dag, Israeli Military Refuster"
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First up, you’ll hear an interview with Shupavu wa Kirima, General Secretary of the Revolutionary Intercommunal Black Panther Party, comes on to talk to us about the ongoing hunger strike among prisoners at Red Onion State Prison in Virginia protesting the abuse of solitary confinement and the medical status of hunger striker Kevin “Rashid” Johnson. More at https://RashidMod.Com [00:01:18 – 00:25:47]

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Then, Yuval Dag, an Israeli anarchist member of Mesarvot recently imprisoned for publicly refusing conscription, talks about draft refusal, opposing the war on Palestinians and the occupation and undoing zionist ideology. More at [00:27:31 – 01:06:13]

Finally, you’ll hear Sean Swain reading the names of people killed by US law enforcement during February 2023 [01:06:15 – 01:12:02]

Call-in / Emails For Red Onion Hunger Strikers

Who To Contact:

VADOC~ Central Administration; USPS—
P.O. Box 26963
Richmond, VA 23261

Virginia DOC ~ Director, Chadwick S Dotson,

VADOC ~Central Administration

Rose L. Durbin, Phone~804-887-7921

Beth Cabell, Division of Institutions

Gov. Glenn Youngkin

Red Onion Hunger Strike Participants last we heard:

  • Kevin “Rashid” Johnson – #1007485
  • Jason Barrett – #1092874
  • Rodney Lester – #1429887
  • Charles Cousino – #2213403
  • Eric Thompson – #1208012
  • Joe Thomas – 1193196
  • Nguyen Tuan – #1098070
  • Demetrius Walllace – #1705834
  • Gregory Binns – #1157265
  • P. Williams – #2103207
  • DeQuan Saunders – #1458253
  • J. Hilliard – #1988319
  • Ray Galloway – #1407902
  • Gregory Azeez – #1421616

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Featured Track:

  • One Man Army (instrumental)  by Rage Against The Machine

Continue reading Hunger Strike at Red Onion + Military Refuser in Israel

Reflections of a Jewish Anti-Zionist in Palestine + Antifascists Repressed in Budapest

Jewish Anti-Zionist in Palestine + Antifascists Repressed in Budapest

"TFSR 11-19-23 | Jewish Anti-Zionist in Palestine + Antifascists Repressed in Budapest" under the photo
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This week’s show features four segments: an announcement from IGD Podcast; an anti-Zionist Jewish voice from Palestine; an interview of two anti-repression activists on the harassment of two antifascist activists in Budapest, Hungary; Sean Swain’s segment.

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Reflections of a Jewish Anti-Zionist from Palestine

First up, we’re featuring the voice of a Jewish anti-Zionist anarchist living in lands occupied by the Israeli state. We speak about some of his experiences of trying to resist the ongoing war against Palestinians, collaboration with Palestinian comrades against the occupation, the silencing of dissent during the escalation by the Israeli state and other topics. [ 00:07:28 – 00:50:13 ]

For a very thoughtful series of podcasts about the situation in Palestine, check out the two recent episodes of the Its Going Down podcast (1st and 2nd).

Link Suggestions:

Antifascists Repressed in Budapest

Following this, you’ll hear a segment by A-Radio Berlin (a co-member of the Channel Zero Network as well as the A-Radio Network with The Final Straw) about repression of antifascists recently under the far right Hungarian administration of Victor Orban. This also appeared in the November 2023 episode of Bad News, the monthly English-language podcast of the A-Radio Network. [ 00:52:10 – 01:05:53 ]

Further links

Sean Swain

Sean Swain’s segment this week airs at [ 01:05:57 ]

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Featured Tracks:

  • We Roll (Instrumental) by Pete Rock from We Roll
  • Until Palestine Is Free by Angelic Upstarts from Bullingdon Bastards

Continue reading Reflections of a Jewish Anti-Zionist in Palestine + Antifascists Repressed in Budapest

Reflections on 2023 Turkish Elections, Post-Earthquake Bakur and the Kurdish Movement

Reflections on 2023 Turkish Elections, Post-Earthquake Bakur and the Kurdish Movement

"TFSR 8/20/2023 - Reflections on 2023 Turkish Elections, Post-Earthquake Bakur & the Kurdish Movement" pasted under a photo of people working through earthquake rubble in Kurdistan with a rainbow appearing across the sky above"
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The following is an interview we conducted with Katka and Hazel, who both live in the UK and were recently back from Bakur, the portion of Kurdistan within the borders of Turkey. For 2 hours the guests speak about the political violence from Erdogan’s ruling AKP, suppression of the Kurdish movement, electoral strategies, democratic confederalism, political prisoners and the F-Type prisons in Turkey, the earthquakes from earlier in the year, widespread corruption and other topics. We hope you enjoy this conversation,. A transcript of this interview will be available in the near future. You can reach the guests at BakurDelegationUK at riseup dot net

Audio Player

A few links related to the chat:

Continue reading Reflections on 2023 Turkish Elections, Post-Earthquake Bakur and the Kurdish Movement

Mediterranean Passages with Maldusa

Mediterranean Passages with Maldusa

logo of "Maldusa Freedom of Movement" featuring a line drawing of Medusa with arrows at the end of the snakes showing movement in many directions, overlayed on a map of the Mediterranean Sea
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This week we chatted with Jasmine, an anthropologist and activist involved in the migrant solidarity and freedom of movement cultural organization called Maldusa which is based in some of the southern most reaches of Italy in Palermo, Sicily, and the island of Lampedusa and in the Mediterranean Sea. We speak for the hour about migration across the sea, what drives and draws people to make the treacherous journey, state, para state and civil institutions on both sides of the sea engaging the issue of crossings and other topics.

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Louise Michel Rescue Boat:



Baye Fall Guys:

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Featured Track:

  • Set Adrift on Memory Bliss (instrumental radio edition) by PM Dawn

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A True(r) Measure of Renewable Energy with Dr. Alexander Dunlap

A True(r) Measure of Renewable Energy with Dr. Alexander Dunlap

"TFSR 3-5-23" + the cover of "Enforcing Ecocide" featuring riot cops in front of a huge digging machine
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This week, I spoke with Dr. Alexander Dunlap about a range of topics, such as Degrowth, green anarchism, the violence of extractivism, questions of the conception of renewable energy and resistance to ecocide. We covered a lot in this discussion and he’s written a lot on a range of related topics. Check out his ResearchGate where many pdfs are available or searching his name on AnarchistLibrary.Net. If there’s something at ResearchGate that isn’t available for download, you can email Alexander and request access.

Audio Player

Other accounts for Dr. Dunlap:

Suggested links:

Our past interviews on resisting infrastructure projects can be found by checking out posts tagged “Environment” or “Earth and Animal Liberation



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