Category Archives: Prisons

Jay Ward on Hunger Strike + Antifascists Organizing in Europe

We’re sharing our episode a few days early this week and it contains two segments plus Sean Swain…

Jay Ward Hunger Strike

Phone zap flyer including demands and contacts (also present in blog post)

First up, a recent interview with James “Jay” Ward. Jay was featured in a show about a year ago: he went into prison at 15 years old in Ohio and has been in for 19 years at this point. He participated in the 2018 Nationwide Prisoner Strike as well as other self-advocacy protests since and is trying to raise funds with his outside supporters to pay for a lawyer to help him win his release as his mandatory minimum date comes up next year. When this was recorded, Jay was 11 days into a hunger strike demanding a return of his personal items and a transfer to a space where he won’t be targeted for violence by gangs, alongside a couple of other requests listed in his letter at the end of this post. You can hear how tired he is from subsisting only on water for the last week and a half, struggling to keep focus and concentrate on the conversation throughout our chat. You can find his gofundme for updates and ways to donate.

If you want to support his hunger strike, his supporters are requesting people call between 9am and 5pm central time (Mon-Fri) the following numbers to voice concern for the safety and conditions of James Ward A517461 on hunger strike :

  • Mansfield Correctional Institution at 419-525-4455 and ask to talk to Warden Harold May
  • the Central ODRC office at 614-387-0588

At the bottom of our show notes you can find Jay’s public announcement of his circumstances and requests. You can also email your concerns to as well as to the ODRC Director Annette Chambers-Smith (via ).

Jay is wanting people to reach out to contact him via his mailing address (below) or (using the info in his mailing address):

James Ward A517461
Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction
Mail Processing Center (OMPC)
884 Coitsville-Hubbard Road
Youngstown, Ohio 44505

Antifascist Voices in Europe

Then you’ll hear an interview conducted by our comrades at crna luknja in Ljubljana, Slovenia with antifascists countering neonazi demonstrations in Budapest, Hungary, and Sofia, Bulgaria. This was featured in the latest episode of B(A)D News from the A-Radio Network, a monthly podcast from a network that we affiliate with and worth checking out for “angry voices from around the world”.

Finally, you’ll hear Sean Swain’s promise for a brighter, goldener era for the USA (and subsequently the world)


Malik Muhammad Phone Zap

There’s a phone zap currently on to move 2020 “Palestinian pansexual Muslim… anarchist antifascist, anti-racist abolitionist” prisoner Malik Muhammad out of solitary confinement at Snake River Correctional in Oregon.

Call Snake River Correctional with the following demands weekdays between 9am and 5pm pacific time:

  • Return Malik to general inmate population;
  • Restore communications rights and mail;
  • Return all books and possessions immediately;
  • End the persecution now!

Master Control: 541-881-5018
Superintendent: 541-881-5002
Inspector: 541-881-5081
Chaplains: 541-881-4624, 541-881-4625, 541-881-4626, 541-881-4686
General Line: 541-881-5000

Please write to Malik and let him know you stand with him!

Malik Muhammad #23935744
Snake River Correctional Institution
777 Stanton Blvd
Ontario, OR 97914-8335

*Note*: Please include page numbers and return addresses on each page because the prison typically does not give inmates the envelopes.

Update on Fund Raising and supporting TFSR

A quick update to the patreon request we made in recent episodes: We’re back where we were a month ago, covering the basic costs. Big thanks to those who stepped up to help! We have other costs beyond that (printing and mailing our small contribution to prisoner zines per month, replenishing our stickers, equipment upgrades) that we could also use support in if you have a few bucks a month. We have that patreon with it’s early audio releases and other thank-yous, or anonymized payments via liberapay that can be one-time or recurring. We also have a big cartel store with some merch and can take payments via venmo and paypal. These are linked at

If you appreciate the work we do but don’t have the extra money, the best way to contribute is to get involved in face to face organizing where you are, integrating movements against oppression and capitalism into your life and brings others along with you since we can’t get there without each other.

If you want to support the podcast without money, you can spread word about the podcast by getting in touch, offering up graphic skills, helping us proof our transcripts, talking about us to friends, incorporating our zines or episodes into a discussion group, sending zines to prisoners, rating us on google and apple podcasts or spreading word on social media. We also take audio submissions and if you’re interested in getting involved, the production and interviews don’t get us paid but they open up avenues to talk to authors about their ideas as well as raise awareness and involvement in social struggles and pick up the skills along the way.

And if you live in a place with a community radio station, public radio station or college radio station and want to hear us on the airwaves, get a few friends together and reach out to suggest our free, weekly radio show and hopefully some of the ideas will filter out to your neighbors. More info at our Radio tab. Thanks for listening!

Statement from Jay on his conditions

This is Jay’s letter to the head of the Ohio DRC:

Dear Annette chambers-smith

This is James Ward from ManCI. The last time I wrote to you I had explained a lot to you that has been going on here concerning my safety. And after that letter the administration got mad at me for going to you because they have not been trying to do anything to really ensure my safety here at Mansfield. And I’m writing you again because I don’t know who else to go to with my recent situation and concerns, because nobody has been helpful. And currently, my safety is back at risk.

About 7 months ago right before the admin got the letter I sent you, UMC Henry got me placed in unit 4B (the faith based block here), mainly for my safety concerns. Every block that I’ve been put in since I been here, I’ve became a victim to gangs and have also got a hit put on me, which UMC Henry and the rest other admin doesn’t want to believe although they seen and heard proof. So it makes it to where I have to go on PC invest, suicide watch or hunger strike to ensure my safety. But I honestly don’t like being in the hole unless I legitimately did something wrong. So my current situation is that I am on hunger strike to ensure my safety, but also for other reasons that I will explain.

When I got put in 4B, its an inmate that the unit refers to as frank (4B/128 bottom) and they basically let him control the operation of the block. How? He’s been in that block for a long time and manages the faith base programs, etc. But due to the reputation he has built up with the unit staff, Sgt Knowlton and others believes everything he tells them. So when I first got moved over their, I was honestly selling food to people that didn’t have any. But frank went to the unit and told them that I was selling drugs to try and get me moved out of the block. The unit called me over and talked to me about it and I stopped selling food for awhile. I was do in everything I was required to do and haven’t got no ticket. Recently, I was trying to organize a group meal for people that really didn’t have much. And an inmate named Green wanted to be involved. But when I told Green that a prisoner support group was going to do a fundraiser to raise the money for the meal he backed out. He then went to inmate frank and told frank that I was trying to scam people and get them outside cases. Franks celly told me that frank said this and was going to put a stop to what I was doing. Next thing you know I’m on the list to move out of the block ( I was sent to 2B). I then sent a kite to Sgt. Knowlton and basically asked him why I got moved and also told him things that frank and others are doing in that block, but he disregarded everything I told him and only told me “you were doing too much, use your imagination”. So I then kited UMC Henry and told him what happened and he said he’d look into it. But before Henry could let me know anything, my Cally told me that someone wanted him to take the hit on me. I then went on suicide watch to ensure my safety. Because PC invest has not gotten me anything and they put you in a cell with someone else that can have their family look you up. That’s what people do here (sneak thru your stuff to find your ID number and have their family look you up). And I also started my hunger strike because I know that the admin won’t do anything to help me.

Recently, henry talked to me and said that he will investigate what happened in 4B, but that a hunger strike isn’t how I will get moved back. But for me to go to a regular block while he investigates. And I get it that a hunger strike is not the way to get moved back, but I refuse to go to a regular block where my safety will be at risk. Henry wanting me to go to a regular block while he investigates is like saying go get jumped on while I look into this. 4C is the only block here that I will be safe in, because its the intake block (all of the new people that don’t know anything about e hit on me goes to that block), but Henry will not put me there.

During the time that I was on PC invest before I got moved to 4B, I found out that property of mine came up missing from the TPU vault. While I was in TPU I was writing complaints on LT. Brooks and Sgt. Risner for not allowing me to do my 2.4. The end result was that the active AIIS at the time (B. Lower) and the IIS D. Blankenship falsified a modified response to my complaint to make it seem like I was lying and that they found the items in my cell. But 2 days before Lower came to search my cell, I was called to the inspectors office concerning my lost property because someone in your office wanted to know what property was I talking about in my complaint. So I told them everything and that a theft report was filed. But the theft report was not put on onbase yet, so lower had to contact the block officer that wrote it (officer Comstock). So they called me back up to the inspectors office and offered to reimburse me with $42+ on my commissary and a few items from contraband. So I told them I’d think about it. They called me back up the next day and I told them I didn’t want it because they wouldn’t replace everything I was missing. So the next day after that is when lower came to search my cell. And when he left he told me that I should have taken the deal. After that, IIS Blankenship wrote 13 false statements in her modified response, which is a criminal offence that I can prove with the paperwork that I have. And now they have lower walking around as a Lt. Blankenship was already caught falsifying state documents in Darryl Smith’ lawsuit.

I been 5 years R.I.B ticket free. 3 of those years was when I was in level 4. I been here 2 years with no real trouble. The first year when I went up for my security review it was said that I needed time to adjust. This past year when I went up, the admin recommended level decrease. But then I find out that I didn’t get my level dropped, because an incident that took place 8 years ago and isn’t true. The BOC said that my level decrease was denied because I tried to kill a staff. I’ve never been a threat to anybody since I been locked up. And the time that they referred to is when I had just got put in a regular cell on suicide watch. They didn’t have a crisis cell to use. So the cuff port had to stay open. And I had joked with the officer saying that I found a razor, so without really knowing if I had one he sprayed me in the face with OC. So they removed me from the cell to clean it, but they never found a razor. And I told them not to put that officer back on my watch cuz he sprayed me for no reason, and I was honestly mad. But they put him back on my watch. So to try and get him off my watch, in a fast motion I acted like I was reaching out to grab him. He was too far from the door for me to grab or anything, but he wrote me up saying that I tried to cut him with a razor. And they never allowed me to go to my R.I.B or SMP hearing. But that happened 8 years ago. And majority of that time since then I have continuously show a dramatic change in my behavior with no R.I.B tickets. I believe the only reason my level decrease was denied is because UMC Henry contacted someone in your office to find something that they can use against me to hold me here. Because I have wrote complaints against Henry and wrote that letter to you. And he knows how much I been wanting to leave this prison, but he won’t transfer me even though my safety is continuously at risk here.

Lastly! I have chronic damage in both of my shoulders that causes them to be able to dislocate if I’m not paying attention to how I use my arms, mainly only when it comes to having my arms outstretched or if I have to climb something. The last time I was placed on the top bunk, my left shoulder dislocated when I was trying to climb up. I feel backwards and busted my head open on a dresser, then on the floor. And that is in my medical record from when I was at W.C.I. And since then, I have had many other dislocations that is in my medical record. I was given bottom rack restriction each time, but I never really needed it since I been at level 4. Since I been here I been trying to get it back but medical tells me its not required for my injuries. They gave it to me for 3 months and that was it. If my shoulder dislocates while trying to climb onto the top bunk and I bust my head open again, then I can sue the medical department for negligence and deliberate indifference because I have told them about my chronic dislocations and they choose not to do anything about it.

All I ask for:
1) My property to be replaced
2) My bottom bunk restriction
3) My level decreased so I can leave ManCI
4) If I can’t get 3, then I ask to be placed in 4C for the remaining time that I’m at ManCI

These are reasonable request and within reason.

The Ampelokipoi Case, Repression and Anti-Repression in Greece

Flyer showing prisoners out of their cells, rioting in a prison with the words "Up until the demolition of the last prison, we organize the material, moral, political support of imprisoned revolutionaries - Tameio - contact __ | TFSR 1-26-25 - The Ampelokipoi Case, Repression & Anti-Repression in Greece"
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This week, we are sharing an interview with a member of the Solidarity Fund for Imprisoned and Persecuted Revolutionaries, or Tameio. We talk about the case of the explosion in an apartment in the Athens district of Ampelokipi from late October of 2024 which left comrade Kyriakos Xymitiris dead and left Marianna badly injured, after which there have been arrests of four other comrades (so far), including Nikos Romanos. Some supporters of those arrested believes the case is the New Democracy government distracting from their economic collapse by increasing repression and the spectre of terrorism

We also speak about the anti-repression landscape that Tameio participates in, the end of asylum protections against police on university campuses and difficulties faced by the anti-authoritarian and anarchist movements in Greece today.

Continue reading The Ampelokipoi Case, Repression and Anti-Repression in Greece

Forced Labor, Living Conditions, Opacity and Impunity in Texas Prisons (with Michelle Pitcher)

a picture of prison bars on a cell block
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We’re sharing a recent interview with Michelle Pitcher of the Texas Observer about living conditions and forced labor in the TDCJ, the Texas prison system. You can reach Michelle at or follow her at .

Our prior interview with Jason Walker (more of his writings at his blog) can be found here (with a transcript available). And our prior chat with Comrade Z can be found here.

Continue reading Forced Labor, Living Conditions, Opacity and Impunity in Texas Prisons (with Michelle Pitcher)

We (MUST) Keep Us Safe: An interview with a Long-Term, Anonymous Anarchist Comrade on Repression, Trauma, Security Culture, and Revolutionary Solidarity

two black bloc individuals hugging, tenderly and the text "We (MUST) Keep Us Safe: An interview with a Long-Term, Anonymous Anarchist Comrade on Repression, Trauma, Security Culture, and Revolutionary Solidarity | TFSR 1-12-25"
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This week, we’re featuring an anonymized chat with a longtime anarchist on lessons learned trying to stay sane  while facing state repression. We talk about experiencing trauma, the need for strong relationships and movements offering shelter and strong alternatives to the alienated society of state and capital, while also speaking on the challenges of mental health and inviting in new participants in anarchist movement.


  1. Introduction and Disclaimer [00:00:23]
  2. Post-911/Patriot Act State of Heightened Repression and build up to today [00:02:29]
  3. Navigating security amidst a post-social media and post-smart phone era [00:23:33]
  4. Creating safer and more secure revolutionary communities that can better withstand the heat [00:31:02]
  5. Recognizing and overcoming repression-based trauma on an individual and community level [00:40:02]
  6. Supporting comrades overcoming mental health episodes (spiralling) amidst repression and burnout [01:09:13]
  7. On infiltrators and the depths the state will go to inflict trauma, fish, and divide [01:15:57]
  8. Recognizing the ‘severity’ of our position, and taking ourselves seriously [01:26:22]
  9. Some tips on facing trauma or intimidation, or supporting others experiencing repression-related trauma [01:34:18]

Descending References and Resources List According to Interview:

Green Scare Background

Grand Juries

Border Detention

Police Visitation

On Phone and Digital Security Culture

Infiltration Cases:

Anti-Repression Resources:

J20 Case

Sobriety Discussion

Mental Health/Trauma/Burn Out

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Featured Track:

Continue reading We (MUST) Keep Us Safe: An interview with a Long-Term, Anonymous Anarchist Comrade on Repression, Trauma, Security Culture, and Revolutionary Solidarity

Red Onion Prison Updates + Antifa-OST Case in Germany

This week, we’re featuring two segments.

logo featuring an onion with a person behind bars in the pearl and the logo for "Soli Antifa-Ost"

First up, Phil Wilayto of the Virginia Defenders talks about conditions at Red Onion State Prison in western Virginia where a number of prisoners have been self-immolating in order to escape longterm isolation and racist guard violence. You can find Phil’s article on the SF Bay View which includes a clip of Noelle Hanrahan on Al-Jazeera talking about this subject, and past interviews with and about Kevin “Rashid” Johnson at this link here. [00:01:02 – 00:41:15]

Then, you’ll hear Jo, an anarchist from Germany, speaking about the recent building of conspiracy cases against antifascists known as Antifa-Ost, or Antifa East. You can find our prior interview about NSU Watch and Day X here. [ 00:44:45 – 01:11:42 ]

More info on Antifa-Ost and the Budapest Structure:

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Featured Track:

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Continue reading Red Onion Prison Updates + Antifa-OST Case in Germany

NC Womens Prisons + Overcrowding Post-Helene in NCDAP

This week, we’re featuring two interviews concerning prison conditions in North Carolina.

"TFSR 11-17-24 | NC Womens Prisons + Overcrowding Post-Helene" featuring a photo of women in a county jail in NC and a photo of Benevolence Farm
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First up, you’ll hear from Elizabeth Simpson of Emancipate NC, one of the signatories to a public letter to this state’s department of corrections calling for the release of hundreds of prisoners in North Carolina. This comes in response to over-crowding and understaffing of prisons following the emergency transfer of 2,000 prisoners from prisons in the western part of the state effected by Hurricane Helene. [00:01:15 – 00:18:50]

Then, Mona Evans of Benevolence Farm, a post-release residence and re-entry program in North Carolina for people coming out of the women’s prisons talks about their programs, re-entry and some of the realities faced inside womens prisons in this state.   [00:20:04 – 01:04:40]

In this conversation I mentioned Victoria Law’s latest book, Corridors of Contagion: How the Pandemic Exposed the Cruelties of Incarceration (Haymarket Books). You can find our 2013 interview with her about her 2nd edition of Resistance Behind Bars: The Struggles of Incarcerated Women at this link.

Other projects Mona mentioned include:

  • Arise Collective re-entry program
  • DownhomeNC engages in a number of progressive causes in this state, including the bail fund that Benevolence Farms is currently running. You can find our 2020 interview with them here.

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Featured Track:

  • Women on the Inside by Sistas In The Pit from The We That Sets Us Free: Building A World Without Prisons

Continue reading NC Womens Prisons + Overcrowding Post-Helene in NCDAP

Resisting Immigration Prison in Tacoma and Fascists in Pittsburgh

This week, we’re featuring three segments in our episode.

Burgundy, yellow and red banner with the words "Shut Down The NWDC", the logo for Pittsburgh Fash Watch featuring the keystone shape of PA plus the three Iron Front arrows in a circle and "We Keep Us Safe"
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First up, you’ll hear Maru Mora-Villalpando talking about the immigration prison known as the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma, WA and the organizing that her organization La Resistencia does to shut down this private prison run by Geo Group. [ 00:00:54 – 00:44:00 ]

Then, a member of Pittsburgh Fash Watch, an antifascist group, talks about their mobilization and unmasking of white supremacists in their area, such as WLM and Goyim Defense League (GDL) chud Brandon Cahall. [ 00:45:07 – 00:54:42]

Finally, Sean Swain addresses post-election ennui. [ 00:54:45-end ]

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Featured Track:

  • Bella Ciao by Leslie Fish

Continue reading Resisting Immigration Prison in Tacoma and Fascists in Pittsburgh

Prisons and Prisoner Solidarity with Eric King, Jake Conroy and Josh Davidson

Prisons and Prisoner Solidarity with Eric King, Jake Conroy and Josh Davidson

collage of photos of Eric King smiling with his book, Josh Harper and Jake conroy
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This week we’re sharing a discussion recorded some months back in the pacific northwest featuring former political prisoners Eric King, who went in for actions in solidarity with the Ferguson Uprising in 2014, and Jake Conroy, who was convicted for coordinating successful anti-vivisection divestment campaigns against Huntington Life Sciences as one of the SHAC7. They are joined by Eric’s co-author of Rattling The Cages, Josh Davidson. We hope you appreciate the wisdom and passion of the discussion.

You can find Jake’s youtube channel The Cranky Vegan for a long-running and ongoing commentary on animal liberation topics. And you can follow Eric’s panels with other former prisoners and supporters on the instagram for Rattling The Cages and past media and articles by and about Eric (including past interviews we’ve done with or about him) at and find more from Josh at

Prior interviews:

There are two upcoming Firestorm Books political prisoner panel talks in November, both of which you won’t want to miss.

  • Saturday, Nov. 9th, 7:00pm – 8:30pm ET, Eric King will be talking with Jason and Jeremy Hammond. Register now!
  • Saturday, Nov. 23, 7:00pm – 8:30pm ET, Eric will be talking with Linda Evans, Laura Whitehorn, and Nicole Kissane. Register now!

A few other things (per Josh):

  • BPP/BLA comrade and former NY Panther 21 defendant Dhoruba bin Wahad needs our support. Help if you can!
  • The 2025 Certain Days: Freedom for Political Prisoners calendar is now available, and it’s beautiful. Get one or 100 today!
  • If you missed the last panel talk with Eric, Jake Conroy, and Claude Marks – or any of the previous 6 Firestorm Books panel talkswatch them here.
  • Don’t stop talking about Gaza, genocide, and US imperialism. Long live all those dying every day for Palestine.

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Featured Track:

  • Walking Is Still Honest by Against Me! from Crimes As Forgiven By…

Continue reading Prisons and Prisoner Solidarity with Eric King, Jake Conroy and Josh Davidson

“Solidarity, Spirituality and Liberatory Promise on a Turtle’s Back” with Ashanti Omowali Alston

“Solidarity, Spirituality and Liberatory Promise on a Turtle’s Back” with Ashanti Omowali Alston

'“Solidarity, Spirituality and Liberatory Promise on a Turtle’s Back” with Ashanti Omowali Alston | TFSR 9-1-24' and a photo of Ashanti Alston smiling at the camera wearing a pork pie hat and making a mask with his fingers in front of his face
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This week, we’re sharing words from anarchist, author, organizer and former participant in the Black Panther and Black Liberation Army, Ashanti Omowali Alston, in the key note address at the 2024 Another Carolina Anarchist Bookfair in so-called Asheville. The presentation was entitled “Solidarity, Spirituality and Liberatory Promise on a Turtle’s Back”. You can support Ashanti’s GoFundMe here.

From the ACAB website:

Trusting in solidarity, the mysterium of spirituality, and a promise from god knows where—a “where” that at this historical moment, might just be Palestine. What does it mean TO BE in the midst of all this right now? RIGHT NOW!

M. Ashanti Alston is a revolutionary Black nationalist, anarchist, abolitionist, speaker, writer, elder motivator. A long-time member of The Jericho Movement, he is presently an advisory board member of the National Jericho Movement and co-founding board member of the Center for Grassroots Organizing (Vermont land project). He continues giving talks and writing inspirational analyses concerning the dismantling of the myriad oppressive regimes in which we find ourselves enmeshed.

Ashanti is one of the few former members of the Black Panther Party who identifies as an anarchist in the tradition of ancestor Kwesi Balagoon (BPP & BLA). He developed abolitionist politics in the early years of Critical Resistance. He has helped save the life of a baby pig with animal liberationists, learned depth-queer politics from being challenged, and wants to see non-ego eldership partaking through sincerely loving the younger generations who truly want to ‘CARRY IT ON.”

You can find other recordings from the 2024 ACABookfair at


Phone Zap for Granville CI in North Carolina

Prisoners have been filing grievances at Granville CI, a prison in Butner, North Carolina, to no avail complaining about a lack of the legally mandated showers and access to the exercise yard, and are asking for phone calls and emails to demand a resumption of serving these basic needs despite any claims of understaffing. If you check our show notes, you can find a call or email script and the numbers and addresses to direct your words at.

By Joseph ”Shine White” Stewart

How many prisoners must die and how long must we languish in solitary confinement subjected to these harsh and unconstitutional living conditions before there is a public outcry?

The deficiencies in the day-to-day operations of this prison have been longstanding/persistent and well documented. In the past I’ve reported on the culture of abuse, negligence and unprofessionalism here at Granville Correctional.

Over the past couple of months the conditions have only worsened. Those of us who are assigned to Restrictive Housing for Control Purposes (RHCP) are being deprived of showers, recreation, subjected to inadequate health care and other unconstitutional treatment.

Pursuant to Chapter C subsection .1205(A) of the NCDAC policy and procedure manual, prisoners assigned to RHCP will have the opportunity to shower a least three times a week.

Lately prison staff have been using the excuse that there is not enough staff to give us showers or even saying that they are too tired to do showers. As always I must maintain my integrity and be honest when reporting on these conditions. The laziness and neglect I am mentioning here doesn’t apply to all the staff. Sergeant Jones, the second shift sergeant here in C-1 building, makes sure that we are afforded the opportunity to shower. However when it’s not her shift or if she’s not scheduled to work we’re likely not to receive showers if there is a shortage of staff.

Despite being demoted to a less restrictive solitary confinement setting I’ve yet to be offered to exercise outside.

Pursuant to Chapter C section .1206 of NCDAC policy and process manual, prisoners assigned to RHCP shall he allowed one hour per day, five days per week to exercise outside of the cell, moreover the outdoor exercise cages should be used as the primary exercise area. During the exercise periods we are to be allowed to exercise unrestrained.

As when it is time for us to take showers the same excuse is used to deprive us of any recreational time. They don’t have enough staff. As mentioned I haven’t been afforded outside exercise for almost three years now despite being demoted to a lower security level.

Recreation here in C-1 building consists of us being placed in full restraints and allowed to pace up and down the tier for one hour. Lastly, custody staff are having any medical appointments cancelled claiming there isn’t enough staff to escort is to the nurse’s station. This includes mental health appointments as well.

Of course the foregoing isn’t all that needs to be addressed, however these are the issues that my peers and I find to be the most important, thus we entreat that the reader call and demand redress for the aforementioned issues.

Warden James Williams and unit manager Eldridge Walker are responsible for promulgating the aforementioned policies and procedures and for the allowance of the aforementioned practices/customs, therefore they are the individuals who should be held accountable. Please contact these officials repeatedly:

Granville Correctional Institution warden, James Williams – 919-575-3070 (call main line and ask for warden’s office)

Granville CI C-1 Unit Manager Eldridge Walker- 919-575-3070 (call main line and ask to be connected to Unit Manager Eldridge Walker)

NCDAC Dep. Director of Rehabilitation/Correctional Services Maggie Brewer – – 919-733-2126 (call main line and ask to be connected to Brewer’s office)

NADAC Internal Affairs Director Anthony Smith – 919-715-2632

Script for calling and emailing:

“I am (calling/emailing) to demand that prisoners being held in solitary confinement in the C-1 building be afforded the opportunity to shower and exercise outside according to NCDAC’s policies and procedures and pursuant to their U.S. Constitutional rights.

I am demanding that an internal investigation be conducted at the Granville Correctional concerning the grievances being made by prisoners there and I demand warden James Williams and C-1 unit manager he held accountable for the deliberate indifference they have demonstrated.”

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Featured Track:

  • Free Your Mind… And Your Ass Will Follow (instrumental) by Funkadellic from Free Your Mind… And Your Ass Will Follow

Continue reading “Solidarity, Spirituality and Liberatory Promise on a Turtle’s Back” with Ashanti Omowali Alston

July 25th International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners (2024)

July 25th International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners

Flyer featuring "International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners" featuring downward arrows cracking prison walls from the sky
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Here’s an interview with Walter of the Antifa International social media project. In 2016, this took over the running of the annual July 25th Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners that was formerly a day to show affinity with Jock Palfreeman, an Australian antifascist who was incarcerated in Bulgaria for defending some Romani people from a right wing attack in which an attacker died.

For the hour we talk about the day of solidarity, the associated Antifascist Defense fund, international lines of solidarity around antifascism, recent cases of repression and continuing to support cultures of resistance while comrades are behind bars.

Past interviews on July25

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Featured Track:

  • Rude Boys Outa Jail by Neville Staple from 2 Tone – Tribute Collection  Vol. 1 (A Checkered Past)

Continue reading July 25th International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners (2024)