Category Archives: Art

Artnoose on zines, anarchism, and Letters of Insurgents + Aragorn!’s introduction

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This week, we spoke with Artnoose. Artnoose is a zinester, author, printer, parent, anarchist and more. She gives a brief history of her relationship with art, her long-running personal letter-pressed zine entitled Kerbloom!, how she became an anarchist, the Berkeley Anarchist Study Group, the Cyber Punk Apocalypse fiction-writing house in Pittsburgh, erotica and more!

Later in the conversation we discuss Letters of Insurgents, an epistolary novel written by Fredy Perlman. The book is a series of letters between two characters separated by two decades and a continent and discusses politics, intentions, memory, age, communication, deception and more. There is a free audio version of the book that Artnoose helped to narrate, it’s available in pdf form for free on and was just recently reprinted and made available for sale via Left Bank Books. This episode also features a recording of Aragorn!‘s introduction to the new edition of the book.

Artnoose and Aragorn! both participated in the 2010 internet-based reading group of Letters of Insurgents known as Insurgent Summer.



Paul Z. Simons on Modern Slavery (rebroadcast) (December 21, 2014)
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This week is a rebroadcast of William Goodenuff’s interview of last year with Paul. Z. Simons of Modern Slavery Magazine. The description will be found below. This week, Sean talks about Keith “Bomani Shakur” Lamar’s ongoing court appeal for his life. More updates on Lamar’s case can be found at , including audio from some of the court proceedings.

“This week William talks with Paul Z. Simons, a contributor to and editor of the journal Modern Slavery; A Libertarian Critique of Civilization available at Mr. Simons is also an essayist and former contributor/editor of Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed and Out of Anarchy among other projects. Modern Slavery delves into the conception of a modern slavery through an explicitly radical discussion of the history and present condition of wage economies and wage slavery. In addition, the journal showcases poetry, short stories, book reviews, and art. If you wish to become a contributor, you can do so through the journals website.

Among other topics, William and Paul discuss the inspiration for and inception of the journal, some forms a post collapse society could take, other forms of modern day slavery, and the socially chaotic potential of horror movies.”

Paul Z. Simons + Modern Slavery: A Libertarian Critique of Civilization

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This week William talks with Paul Z. Simons, a contributor to and editor of the journal Modern Slavery; A Libertarian Critique of Civilization available at Mr. Simons is also an essayist and former contributor/editor of Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed and Out of Anarchy among other projects. Modern Slavery delves into the conception of a modern slavery through an explicitly radical discussion of the history and present condition of wage economies and wage slavery. In addition, the journal showcases poetry, short stories, book reviews, and art. If you wish to become a contributor, you can do so through the
journals website.

Among other topics, William and Paul discuss the inspiration for and inception of the journal, some forms a post collapse society could take, other forms of modern day slavery, and the socially chaotic potential of horror movies.

Ben Turk on Insurgent Theatre + Prison Abolition (October 27, 2013)

Ben Turk in "Know Your Enemy"
Ben Turk in “Know Your Enemy”
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This week’s episode is a conversation with Ben Turk. Ben’s a co-founder of Insurgent Theatre, the decade-old theater troop that has presented a number of original and refurbished theater workshops and performances around the country. Topics of IT’s works have ranged from discussions around Militancy framed through Homer’s Odyssey to Administrative Segregation to a Terrorists Fairytale.

Insurgent Theatre’s current play is called “Know Your Enemy.” The play is a one-person presentation based around a community liaison cop with a liberal heart of gold. As the play goes on, the cop begins to question whether he can actually do his job and help the community. A psychological study into the head of the “good cop” and community/cop relations, it also serves as a history of policing in the United States (ala “Our Enemies in Blue by Kristian Williams) and a discussion of safer practices when interacting with cops (a sort of Know Your Rights presentation).

“Know Your Enemy” is touring with the second film by D Jones in the “The Great Incarcerator” series. That film, “The Shadow of Lucasville” includes some eye opening just came out and a preview can be found online at:

We also talk a bit during the hour about art and theater in the modern U.S. and how they can and/or do(n’t) intersect. He has a theatrical and theoretical project meant to play out his views on the role of art in revolution.

Finally, we speak about prison abolition. Ben has been involved in Redbird Prison Abolition, doing support work for and with prisoners (and those in revolt in particular) in Ohio where the project is based. These include the Lucasville Uprising prisoners, Sean Swain and others.
