This week’s show is a conversation with Parks (a member of Tranzmission Prison Project) about Stonewall, the cooptation of it’s rememberance in the form of Pride marches, the split of the liberation movement into the pride movement and continued radical struggles.
This week’s show features an interview with Abrasha Blum and Ruth, who work with Anarchists Against The Wall. AATW is a coalition of Israeli Anarchists doing solidarity work alongside Palestinians struggling against the aparthied wall and system in and around the West Bank. As the 45th anniversary of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War approaches (June 5th-10th), we talk about Zionism, the Settlers, solidarity and how folks can support the popular struggles for Palestinian autonomy and dignity. If you have the ability to help them cover legal fees, check out and donate.
Main Episode:
Birthright Program Segment
An archive of this show, as well as an extra segment on the Birthright Program and the Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS) movement can soon be found on by searching the show title.
Other useful links include: – Israeli Committee Against Housing Demolitions website – Anarchists Against the Wall website – Popular Struggle Co-ordination Committee website – Alternative Information Centre – Palestinian prisoner and human rights organisation – daily commentary from West Bank, Israel and Gaza – direct action group supporting Palestinian farmers particularly in South Hebron Hills – In 2005, Palestinian civil society issued a call for a campaign of boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel until it complies with international law and Palestinian rights. A truly global movement against Israeli Apartheid is rapidly emerging in response to this call. – Israelis supporting the BDS call – Israeli and Palestinian photography collective – Israeli Information Centre for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories – clue is in the title 😉
This week we’re speaking with Dr. George Katsiaficas, author and contributor to over a dozen books on Peoples Movements and the elucidator of the Eros Effect. For over a decade, Dr. Katsiaficas has been studying the culture and history of South Korea and it’s culture and has just published the first volume of a two part series on People’s uprisings in Asia, entitled “Asia’s Unknown Uprisings: South Korean Social Movements in the 20th Century” from PM Press.
This week’s show will be a conversation with Saro Lynch-Tomason and Kila Donovan, members of the Asheville May Day Choir about music, resistance, history and the upcoming May Day celebrations in Asheville. Saro and Kila are also members of the band, Red Wind. The show features in-studio renditions of some beautiful resistance songs that we’ll be hearing this year. The two jamboree shows will be a benefit for Blair Pathways.
This week’s show features a conversation with Dr. Benjamin Noys, editor of a new book entitled “Communisation and its Discontents”. Communisation theory evolved out of post-68 ultra-left communism and today is being explored and promoted by authors and journals like Riff-Raff, Theorie Communiste, End Notes, Sic and Tiqqun. This show is a short introduction to the theories and plays with the problematics of communisation including gender, terminology, identity, and activity.
The text of the book is available online for free at Libcom:
Related projects that may be of interest include: LibCom’s archive of communisation texts (
Riff-Raff ( Sic ( Tiqqun & Invisible Committee related (
This week’s show is dedicated to Tyrannicide. As discussed at the end of last week’s show, the ides of march approacheth. this date is celebrated as the date of the assasination of the tyrant, Julius Caesar. It also approximates the date of the assasination by the Nihilist group Narodnaya Volya, or people’s will of Czar Alexander the second of Russia, albeit after 7 attempts. We celebrate today the equalling of the playing field, those who strove to be actors on the stage of history, lone wolfs if you will. I will say of the theme of today’s show that whether or not the Attentat, or propaganda of the deed, actually creates the change that people expect or desire is debateable. Maybe not. Maybe it just doesn’t. But, then, let’s celebrate those brave and/or crazy individuals who took it upon themselves to roll the dice in the face of authoritarianism and make at least one foul tyrant suffer.
Annoucement of local event can be found here:
This week’s show features a conversation with Ian Coldwater, a co-founder of the Coldsnap Legal Collective, about Conspiracy Trials, Grand Juries, Security Culture and technology. We discuss some of the trials that have come up against Anarchists, Animal and Earth defenders and other radicals over the last 8 years in the U.S. and Canada with an eye towards what we can learn in order to increase our safety as activists and radicals.
Today’s show features an interview with the Portland-based author and activist, Kristian Williams. Williams speaks on his first book, Our Enemies in Blue: A History of Policing in America), on recent articles about community policing and the counterinsurgency training shared between the U.S. military and domestic law enforcement agencies and the growing movement calling for the abolition of police in the United States, and the Pacific Northwest in particular). The show will air at 1pm EST at and be archived for a week at .
Tonight’s show (Monday, 1/24/11 from 8-10pm EST, thanks to The Invisible Worm) will focus on the struggle for justice in Northern Ireland from Fenians through the United Men, the IRB, IRA, INLA and the Civil Rights Marches. Recognizing that this is guilty pleasure for some of us Americans of Irish Descent (myself included), allow me these two hours to play some of my favorite Irish Republican songs.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Please also understand that I do not condone the actions of the paramilitary movements (Unionist or Republican) or governments (Irish, Northern Irish or British). My understanding is that the Irish situation is a terribly complicated product of centuries of colonization, genocide and divide-and-conquer tactics of the lower classes (mostly along religious and ethnic lines) by the elite and powerful. A free Ireland, in my opinion, would be one: free of class division; free of the managing elite; free of religious persecution and the persecution of religions; free of sectarian conflict; free of racism, sexism and homophobia. A free Ireland would be autonomous from European oversight and debt and yet one in which Irish identity does not take the form of jingoistic nationalism.
For more information on some interesting Irish projects, check out the following pages:
This week’s show, during Dystopia, I presented my humble homage to the songs of the Spanish Civil War, and particularly to the Anarchist forces. These two hours feature many original recordings and beautiful readaptations, with little rants/snippets of history on the significance of songs.
Part 1:
Part 2:
I noted after the show ended that I left out the original of what is perhaps my favorite song ( “A Las Barricadas”, the CNT theme to the tune of Warszawianka 1905) from that period, available here for your enjoyment on youtube.