Doing For Selves: Open Source Supplies and Tenant Organizing

First, I spoke with Bill Slavin of Indie Lab, space in Virginia that is in the process of shifting it’s purpose since the epidemic became apparent from an broader scientific and educational maker space to work on the manufacturing and distribution of covid-19 related items in need such as testing kits, medical grade oxygen, ventilators and 3d printed n95 quality masks for medical professionals to fill public health needs. Then, I talked to Julian of Tenants United of Hyde Park and Woodlawn in Chicago. What with all of the talk about rent strikes in the face of such huge leaps in unemployment during the spread of covid-19 and accompanying economic collapse, I thought it’d be helpful to have this chat to help spur on these conversations of how we seize power back into our hands while we’re being strangled by quarantine and hopefully afterwards.

Anarchism in El Salvador / An Antifa View of the Militia Demo in RVA

This week we have two segments, an interview with an Anarcha-Feminist organizer in San Salvador, El Salvador on the situation there, followed by Mitch of Red Strings And Maroons podcast on the upcoming Militia demonstration on MLK Jr. Day, January 20th, 2020 in Richmond, VA.

Secwepemc Struggle Against Pipeline / Perilous Chronicles Prisoner Resistance

This week, we feature two segments on the episode. First, a brief chat with Duncan of Perilous Chronicle, a site documenting prisoner resistance since from 2010 til today in the so-called U.S. and Canada. Then, we spoke with Kanahus Freedom, from the Secwepemc  and Ktunaxa nations, who is involved in the Tiny House Warriors struggle against the Trans Mountain Pipeline threatening the sovereignty and health of unceded Secwepemc land.

Chelsea Manning and Grand Jury Resistance

Chelsea Manning is formerly incarcerated military whistle blower who is currently in jail for refusing to testify before a federal grand jury, first sitting in solitary for 4 weeks and now in general population. For the hour, we hear from members of her support committee and anarchist grand jury resisters Jerry Koch and Katie Yow.

Gord Hill on Art and Resistance

Gord Hill is an indigenous author, anarchist, antifascist and militant, a member of the Kwakwaka’wakw nation living in so-called British Columbia, Canada. Gord is also graphic artist and comic book author who most recently published The Antifa Comic Book, out from Arsenal Pulp Press, and runs the website Warrior Publications and sometimes publishes under the nom-de-plume of ZigZag. For the hour we speak about his writings documenting indigenous resistance history in the so-called Americas (mostly with a focus on Turtle Island), antifascist organizing, intersections of indigenous struggle and anarchism and critiques of Pacifism. Plus, Sean Swain critiques “public servants.”

Mutual Aid in Caguas (PR) + La ZAD Wins?

This week on the Final Straw, we air two interviews. In the first segment, we hear from two organizers with the Centro de Apoyo Mutuo or Mutual Aid Center in Caguas, Puerto Rico. Emilu and Kique talk about Caguas, about the colonial relationship between the U.S. mainland and Puerto Rico, the post-hurricane disaster relief they’ve … Continue reading Mutual Aid in Caguas (PR) + La ZAD Wins?

Haymaker Gym on Antifascism, Fitness and Much More! (rebroadcast)

For a 59 minute long, radio clean version for syndication purposes, please visit the collection. INTERVIEW This week, we’re airing the formerly only podcast conversation I had with organizers of the Haymaker Gym project in Chicago, IL. Haymaker is an explicitly anti-fascist and feminist self-defense initiative. If you want to help out the Haymaker … Continue reading Haymaker Gym on Antifascism, Fitness and Much More! (rebroadcast)