Chelsea Manning and Grand Jury Resistance

Chelsea Manning is formerly incarcerated military whistle blower who is currently in jail for refusing to testify before a federal grand jury, first sitting in solitary for 4 weeks and now in general population. For the hour, we hear from members of her support committee and anarchist grand jury resisters Jerry Koch and Katie Yow.

GE Trees update + pt 2 of former prisoner panel from NAABC conference, 2015

In the first segment of the episode, William spoke with Anne Peterman of the Global Justice Ecology Project, following up on the GE Trees Action Camp which took place in late September outside of Asheville. The bulk of the hour we’ll hear the second half of the Former Prisoner Panel proceeding the North American Anarchist Black Cross conference in Denver, 2015 with the voices of: Jerry Koch, Eric McDavid, Kazi Toure, Lynne Stewart, Mark Cook & Jihad Abdulmamut.

Cyprus Hartford Resists Federal Grand Jury + MACC Film Festival

Perspectives concerning a recent federal grand jury convented in South Carolina and Cyprus Hartford, an anarchist who is resisting it. Then Ian’s interview with Marisa and Molly of the Metropolitan Anarchist Coordinating Committee in NYC about their recent anarchist film festival

An Anarchist Legal Worker on Grand Jury Resistance at Standing Rock, and Scott Campbell on the upcoming Insumisión/IGD tour of Mexico

This week we are airing two short interviews: the first is with an anarchist legal worker who has been participating in resistance at Standing Rock in so called North Dakota; the second is with Scott Campbell who writes the Insumisión column for Insumisión is a semi regular publication which aims to highlight anarchistic and anarchist struggles and news all around Mexico.

Former Political Prisoner Panel in Denver, 2015 (pt 1)

This week The Final Straw is airing some audio from the recent Anarchist Black Cross Conference which took place outside of Denver. This is a panel discussion which was hosted by the Denver ABC and includes a number of folks who had been formerly incarcerated and were speaking on the importance of supporting prisoners, among other topics. The panelists we’ll be hearing this week include: Lynne Stewart, Jihad Abdulmumit, Kazi Toure, Eric McDavid and Mark Cook.

Grand Jury in NYC; also, Marius Mason and June11

This week, William speaks to Dave about Jerry Koch. Jerry is a New York Anarchist resisting (for the 2nd time) a GJ in NYC. Also, Bursts speaks to Bella about Marius Mason, long term ecological, animal rights, labor and anarchist activist. Marius is also serving a 22 year sentence. Bella also talks about the … Continue reading Grand Jury in NYC; also, Marius Mason and June11