Category Archives: Rebroadcast

A-Radio on Anti-Fenix from CZ, updates on #PrisonStrike and #CharlotteUprising + music

Operation Fenix
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This week we’ll be rebroadcasting a recent update from A-Radio Berlin on the repression called Operation Fenix in Czech Republic against anarchists there. Following that, we’ll hear some music from Wildspeaker, Cara Neir and Allochiria.

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First, text from the intro to the A-Radio Portion:

“In the context of the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners (23.-30th of August 2016), we had the opportunity of talking to a comrade from Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) in Czech Republic. The interview gives a short summary of the repression that started in 2015 and explains the singular cases and their current development, but deals also with the problems the movement had in the beginning to show solidarity. Last but not least, you get very good advice on the topic of solidarity and what to do yourselves.
Since the interview, another comrade is in prison. Lukáš Borl, who had been living underground, has been arrested by the police on September 4.”

More info on the case at


Strike Updates

This was a statement originally posted to, which we have shortened for broadcasting. It pertains to updates on the September 9th prison strike, with some thoughts about how to move forward from here. For more such thoughts, you can check out the most recent IGD cast which includes interviews with IWOC organizers and resisting prisoners in Merced, CA.
One thing is not in question: September 9th is now officially the largest prison work strike ever to take place within the United States.

This strike against prison slavery that began on September 9th, the 45th anniversary of the Attica prison uprising has now entered it’s third week. According to organizers with Support Prisoner Resistance:

“As of 9/21 we have tracked 46 prisons and jails that experienced some kind of disruption between September 8 and 21st. This total includes both lockdowns reported by officials (some of whom deny that the lockdown was protest related) and reports of protests from prisoners and supporters (some of which did not lead to lockdowns or full strikes).
Of these, 31 facilities experienced a lock-down, suspension or full strike for at least 24 hours. Those 31 facilities house approximately 57,000 people. That is a guess at the minimum number of prisoners affected by the nationally coordinated strike.
There is likely much more going on behind the prison gates that we do not yet know about. We receive new information on a daily basis. In some places the strike lasted a day or a weekend, but in some, it seems to be going strong 12 days in.”


The strike has also grown out of the original expectations of many organizers. For instance, the strike has spread into both men and women’s prisons, into county jails, and has lead to not only work strikes, but hunger strikes, organized marches and protests inside facilities, expanded communication of prisoners to the outside, and full fledged uprisings. Despite a media blackout that is fueled by the advertising of corporations that make billions from prison slavery while the mainstream press drones on about politicians which vow to only expand it – the strike is only continuing and bringing more people into our networks.

On the outside, thousands of people took to the streets. In Durham, NC and Brooklyn, NY, freeways were blocked. In Oakland, corporations profiting from prison labor were attacked. In Portland, streets and stores profiting from prison labor were occupied and shut down. In Austin, people shut down a facility showcasing products made by prisoners, and demonstrations, marches, and rallies were organized throughout the South. Across the US, noise demonstrations outside of prisons were organized, marches were held, and graffiti, banners, and posters were placed around the walls, freeways, and towns and cities of the US. Across the world, people also took action in solidarity with the prison strike. From Serbia to Sweden, Greece to Australia, Mexico to Spain, people released statements of solidarity, held demonstrations outside of prisons, and took action against corporations that profit from prison slavery.

Moving Forward:

In order to proceed, people need to develop a strategy around supporting the strike. This means figuring out if and how you can support a facility near you taking action, how you can link up and build connections with prisoners, how you could build up your organization or crew to carry out this activity, and also how you could carry out actions which push forward the strike.

1.) Support the Strikers:

Holding a demonstration outside of the facility.
Holding a demonstration outside of a corporation connected to prison labor in solidarity with the strike (especially if that is what the prisoners are working to create).
Hold a call-in campaign to the prison to demand that the prison meet the prisoners demands and end repressive measures against them.
Hold a letter writing night to make contact with the prisoners. Contact IWOC for more information if you have no established contacts.
Hold a fundraiser for established groups such as the Free Ohio Movement or the Free Alabama Movement. Remember prisoners are the front lines of this struggle. We must support them and their activity as well!

2.) Build your Squad:

  • Raising money so you can continue or begin to engage in prison support work.
  • Host a letter writing night to better connect with prisoners already engaged in action.
  • Host a call-in event with a prisoner who can discuss the conditions that exist where they are striking and how people on the outside can support them.
  • Contact IWOC for more details.
  • Host a speaker, Skype presenter, or open discussion on the strike to move people from passive support to active participation.
  • Plug people into the organizing and get them involved.
  • Organize a BBQ or social event where people discuss the strike, update people on what is happening, and read off actions and communiques.

3) Keep it Lit:

  • Organize a noise demonstration outside a facility taking action or one closest to you.
  • Organize and take action at a corporation profiting from prison slavery. Get creative!
  • Drop a banner in solidarity with the prison strike.
  • Organize a night of wheat-pasting flyers.
  • Get people together and go out on the town and put up posters and flyers supporting the strike.
  • Write graffiti and drop banners.

Already, our comrades across the world are standing with us in solidarity. In a statement released by the ABC Solidarity Cell in Greece, they have called for international supporters to also take action in support of the ongoing strike on October 1st.

The September 9th strike has been inspiring, but to stop now and simply step back and wait for the next eruption would be to loose out on bringing new people into our movement. To also stop taking action now when prisoners across the US are still on strike, still on hunger strike, and still risking their lives would be to betray everything that they have worked for.

Now is the time to build. Now is the time to grow. But it is definitely not the time to stop.

Repression at WCW Women’s prison in Gig Harbor, WA

To support prisoner resistance, from an anonymous prison staff in the state of Washington:

“I would like you and supporters to know that there was a symbolic protest at Washington Correctional Center for Women in Gig Harbor on September 9. Three women refused to go to work in the prison library. The emergency response team was dispatched and the women were taken to Segregation. At their hearing last week, they were given 20 days in seg, and are facing reclassification and probably the loss of their jobs. In my opinion, this was a peaceful, non-violent expression of their opinions meant to draw attention to the issue of prison labor, and the response was much more disruptive than the event itself. The library has been closed since September 9. According to DOC, this was the only action in the entire state of Washington.”

Support for Amir Davis, Kinetic’s Son

In March of this year, the son of Kinetik was accused of stabbing Warden Davenport at Holman prison in Alabama. He was then shipped to Donaldson. He has since been assaulted, harassed, and tortured in Solitary Confinement. If you support FAM and the work we do then let Kinetik’s Sun know his sacrifices for change were not in vain. Those willing, drop him a postcard and those able, put a small donation on his books via the ADOC website.

Amir “Jaja” Davis #268646
G-4 WE Donaldson CF
1000 Warrior Lane
Bessemer, AL 35023

In Revolutionary Solidarity,
Kinetik Justice

To see a list of more people who have been explicitely targeted by officials in response to the Prison Strike, you can visit

Seeking #CharlotteUprising interviews

As most of you are probably aware, following the police murder of Keith Lamont Scott in Charlotte NC (who was killed while sitting in his car reading and waiting for his kid to get dropped off from school), there have been riots in that town which have lasted days. The mainstream media coverage of these events has been predictably terrible, following all the racist tropes we have come to expect from the likes of CNN and FOX. With an aim to combat these narratives, we at The Final Straw would like to put out a call for submissions or interviews that people would like to see broadcast on this show. Any interviews would be done from an explicitely anarchist perspective.

If this is at all interesting to you or anyone you know, give us a holler at:


A-Radio on Syriza in Greece and upcoming anarchist events around Europe plus MUSIC!
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This week, The Final Straw is featuring two segments from Anarchistisches Radio Berlin. Our friends at ARB recently conducted an interview with 3 members of the athens-based group of libertarian communists about the election of the leftist Syriza party in Greece, giving a anti-authoritarian and anti-capitalist perspectives on what they’ve seen from Syriza and what they expect in the future.

After that ARB talked to members of the Slovenian radio collective, Crna Luknja, as well as Radio Libertaire from Paris and Vrje Bond of the Netherlands about upcoming anarchist bookfaires, the Pinksterlanddagen Camp, the imminent anarchist radio conference in Slovenia and more! Check out the work of A-Radio Berlin at

After those interviews we’ll hear some recent neo-crust from Russia, some recent death rock from France, punk from the U.S. and more.


Alvaro Luna Hernandez on his case (rebroadcast) + music
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“The main portion of the episode features an interview with Alvaro Luna Hernandez, a Chicano political prisoner serving a 50 year sentence in Texas for disarming a Sheriff who pulled a gun on him, and then fleeing. Mr. Hernandez speaks about his case, his legal history, his political development, and his imprisonment. Special thanks to the Central Texas Anarchist Black Cross for this material. More info on Alvaro can be found at”:

After that, we hear recent metal releases by Mar and Soror.


Layla AbdelRahim on domestication, childhood and wildness (rebroadcast)
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This week, The Final Straw takes pleasure in re-presenting a conversation with Layla AbdelRahim about her book, “Wild Children – Domesticated Dreams: Narratives of Civilization and Wilderness”. She is an anarchaprimitivist who explores ideas of education, domestication and civilization in terms of childhood development and overall human health. In these excerpts from the conversation we define some terms and talk about instrumentalization of living things and symbolic thought and how they are used to shape the child’s mind into the civilized and non-empathic perspective. Info on the book can be found at

More of her writings can be found at

This conversation initially happened in June of 2014


Paul Z. Simons on Modern Slavery (rebroadcast) (December 21, 2014)
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This week is a rebroadcast of William Goodenuff’s interview of last year with Paul. Z. Simons of Modern Slavery Magazine. The description will be found below. This week, Sean talks about Keith “Bomani Shakur” Lamar’s ongoing court appeal for his life. More updates on Lamar’s case can be found at , including audio from some of the court proceedings.

“This week William talks with Paul Z. Simons, a contributor to and editor of the journal Modern Slavery; A Libertarian Critique of Civilization available at Mr. Simons is also an essayist and former contributor/editor of Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed and Out of Anarchy among other projects. Modern Slavery delves into the conception of a modern slavery through an explicitly radical discussion of the history and present condition of wage economies and wage slavery. In addition, the journal showcases poetry, short stories, book reviews, and art. If you wish to become a contributor, you can do so through the journals website.

Among other topics, William and Paul discuss the inspiration for and inception of the journal, some forms a post collapse society could take, other forms of modern day slavery, and the socially chaotic potential of horror movies.”

Dean Spade on “Normal Life” (rebroadcast) + metal + punk
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“This week features a conversation with attorney, educator and trans activist, Dean Spade about his new book, “Normal Life: Administrative Violence, Critical Trans Politics and the limits of law”, just out from South End Press. Normal Life is a finalist for the 2012 Lambda Literary Awards. Follow Mr. Spade’s writing at

In the conversation, we discuss “mainstreaming” efforts by liberal LGBTQI organizations towards pressing for same-sex marriage, removal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, hate crimes legislation and other reformist measures in the U.S. Dean contrasts these efforts and visions with abolitionism. We also discuss calls for justice in the wake of the killing of Trayvon Martin, attempts to reform aspects of the Prison Industrial Complex and discuss Foucaultian models of power in society.

Following the interview, we featured tracks from Skaphe, Youth Avoiders, Oblivionation and more for the last half of an hour.

Keith Lamar (AKA Bomani Shakur)’s Final Appeal, December 2nd (November 30, 2014)
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This week on the Final Straw….

Tuesday December 2nd in Cincinati, Ohio, Keith Lamar faces his final appeal before the U.S. Court of Appeals. Keith is a defendant in the Lucasville Uprising case, facing the death penalty for allegedly leading a death squad of prisoners who killed snitches in April of 1993, of which he claims innocence. The Lucasville Uprising, for anyone unaware, was a prison revolt resulting from the administration’s refusal to work around the religious needs of Sunni Muslim prisoners at the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility who were facing a tuberculosis test including alcohol. More on the case can be found at

This week we rebroadcast Neka’s interview with Keith Lamar, also known as Bomani Shakur, about his recent book entitled Condemned. Find out more about his case and check out his book at his website, and if you’re in or around Ohio on Tuesday, December 2nd, there’s a call-out for folks to assemble at the Potter Steward Courthouse at 100 East 5th St in Cincinnati at 2pm to support Keith. There’s also a call for folks to show up at 5:30pm for a vigil.

Also in this hour, a short interview by Anarchistisches Radio Berlin with a participant in the 2014 Pinksterlanddagen, an anarchist camp that’s been recurring annually for 80 years in Appelscha in the Netherlands, for a glimpse into what other anarchist gathers look like. More on that camp at
More from A Radio at


črna luknja interviews Hana from Bosnia; half an hour of recent metal tracks

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This week, we feature audio that made it’s way to us from the Slovenian anarchist radio show, črna luknja (Black Hole). Hosts interviewed Hana, who’s originally from Mostar but lives now in Sarajevo. Hana tells of her perspectives on the protests and public plenums that occurred in Bosnia in response to the government ignoring workers and voters demands and continued to privatize industry while further precariatizing (is that a word?) the population.

You can find more material by črna luknja (mostly NOT in english) at

This week’s segment written by Sean Swain talks about the case of Krow in Wisconsin. To find out some more on it, check out our interview with Krow from last year:…

Life During Wartime (rebroadcast) + Zerzan reads Swain

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This episode, we replay an interview from August of 2012. An interview with Will Munger, one of the editors and contributors to the AK Press release of 2013, Life During Wartime. This book is a project of the CounterCounterInsurgency conference that’d happened prior in Portland and the articles discuss various explorations of the use of CounterInsurgency by law enforcement and the military domestically in the United States to suppress political and “a-political” movements and threats. Available from AK Press.

What is COIN (Counterinsurgency)? How is it being applied to movements and communities in the United States? How do we resist it? These are among the topics covered during the conversation.

Among other things, Will’s research has focused on the case study of the relationship and dialogue developed between law enforcement in Salinas, California and the Monterey, California-based Naval Postgraduate School. This relationship has allowed NPS to conduct the beginnings of a proxy-war on the local Latino populations with a focus on eradicating gang networks. Will’s essay, “Social War in the Salad Bowl” won a grant from the Institute for Anarchist Studies this last year.

U.S. Army Field Manual 3-24: Counterinsurgency Warfare
NPS: Gangs and Guerrillas

First, though, John Zerzan reads a script by Sean Swain, anarchist prisoner who’s being denied access to phone and email privileges due to his participation in this show and his recent success at gaining a new lawyer. April 20th marks the 23rd anniversary of Sean’s incarceration, so he reflects on the case that initially got him locked up. His new lawyer hopes to overturn that initial conviction and get Sean released.